The Employee Record has various tabs to enter and review information about an Employee. When created, Employee records are stored in the Employees listing and are linked out from the User record. Employee records can be updated as needed over time to reflect an Employee's current work status and/or access to the system. Click here for more information on the initial Employee Setup.

Note: Employees without a Job assigned to them on the 'Jobs' tab of their Employee record will be hidden from the Schedule Calendar

If within the Smart Ops Release window, click here to learn more about the Employee Form.

General tab

This tab contains most of the information you setup for the Employee such as Name, Contact information, Primary Location, and Preferred Contact Method.


* indicates information that is typically imported from the POS

1) Picture - To store an image of the Employee click the 'Upload Picture' button and browse to the image on your computer.  This image will show in various places in the application including the Scheduling screen

2) Name* - Enter the full name of the Employee

3) Employee Birthday - Set the Employee Birthday to view Birthday indicators on the Manager Log Calendar View

4) Payroll ID - Enter the payroll ID for payroll punch exports via 'My Reports'

5) Address* - To set the address, click the Change Address button to open the address popup form where you can set the address

6) Primary Location - Select the primary Location for the Employee

7) Hire Date* - Informational only

8) Preferred Contact Method - This setting will determine how the Employee receives notifications from R365, including shift alerts, announcements, and Manager Log alerts.  Contact method options are Text, Email, or Both Text & Email

9) Email Address - Set the email address, a required field

10) Mobile Phone # - Enter the phone number, required if allowing text messaging

  • Note: Ensure that the phone number is formatted as XXXXXXXXXX, rather than (XXX)XXX-XXXX

11) Allow Text Messaging - Check if the Employee will receive text message updates for Password resets, Scheduling Announcements, ect or not. If 'No' is selected, these updates will be sent to the User's listed email address

12) Break Waiver - This is used in labor break violation calculations as described in Break and Shift Violation training 

13) Inactive - Check this box to deactivate this employee record and suspend access to Restaurant365

14) App Access - Check this box to automatically create a User profile for this Employee and assign them the 'Employee App Access' Security Role.  The Employee access to the system, including their Location access and access to Manager Log, would then be managed and updated on their User record. Click here for more information on User Location & Security Roles. Click here for more information on Employee App Access

15) R365 Messaging - This will default to 'Yes' when R365 Employee Messaging is enabled on the Location record. However, if an Employee feels uncomfortable participating or if they are banned from messaging due to inappropriate messaging, selecting 'No' will prevent them from accessing and using Employee Messaging on the R365 Red App

16) Exclude Labor Hours - This will exclude Scheduled Labor Hours or Labor $ on the Employee's time card (typically for salaried Employees). This helps to not skew Labor calculations for Scheduling and Forecasting and works in conjunction with set Overtime Rule Groups

  • Note: If this is selected, then both Exclude OT (#17) and Exclude Labor $ (#18) will be selected by default

17) Exclude OT - This will ensure that the Employee (typically salaried Employees) does not receive any Scheduled Overtime pay on their time card for any hours worked beyond the time frame set for OT Rule Group(s), if set. If not set, this will default OT to over 40 hours a week. This helps to not skew Labor calculations for Scheduling and Forecasting and works in conjunction with set Overtime Rule Groups

18) Exclude Labor $ - This will display the total Scheduled Labor Hours for the Employee but the Employee's Scheduled Labor $ will not impact the total Labor $ for their corresponding Location(s) (typically for salaried Employees). This helps to not skew Labor calculations for Scheduling and Forecasting and works in conjunction with set Overtime Rule Groups

19) Upload File - Other attachments can be added if needed, such as signed copies of employment agreements, break waivers, etc, from here

Employee Note Tab


Restaurant Managers can record Employee Notes that will be listed on this tab. Employee Notes can be for a myriad of reasons such as 'No Show', 'Late for shift', 'Exceptional Service' etc.  

Punches Tab


This list shows all the detailed labor punches when this Employee has clocked in and out of the POS.

Locations Tab

This tab displays all the Locations where this Employee record exists on a POS.

Availability Tab


This tab is used in the Scheduling module to help the Restaurant Manager or Scheduler determine when to schedule the Employee. This is where you specify the general availability for the Employee for each day of the week. Options are 'Available All Day', 'Unavailable All Day', or specific start and end times of availability.

Setting this won't prevent the Employee from being scheduled at these times but they will show up on the schedule as a visual flag for the scheduler to take into account when assigning shifts.

Jobs Tab

On this tab you can see and manage which Jobs are assigned to this Employee.  To add a Job, select it from the fields above the grid and click 'Add'.  To remove a Job click the Delete button (trashcan icon) on the row you want to remove.

This also has a Rating field.  The rating is used in Scheduling so that you can set that a specific shift must be filled by an employee with a certain rating (i.e., only 4 star or above Bartenders can work the Friday night shift).  You can use this to limit the possible employees who can work that shift based on the rating.

Ratings can be easily managed by clicking the appropriate stars on the row next to each Job.  Star ratings are not visible to Employees, but are visible to the 'Scheduler' role.

Responsibilities Tab


This tab shows which Job Responsibilities this Employee has. You can add them by selecting from the drop-down above the grid and clicking the 'Add' button and can remove them by clicking the trashcan icon on the row you want to remove.

Job responsibilities allow you to break a Job down into more detailed responsibilities/qualifications/certifications. You can then assign these Responsibilities to only certain Employees.  When creating shifts in Scheduling you can specify what responsibility the Employee must have in order to fulfill that shift.  This will limit which possible Employees can be selected.

For example if you have a job called 'Cook' and you want to schedule one 'Cook' shift for the grill and another for the fryer, then 'Grill' and 'Fryer' could be setup as Responsibilities, and assigned to the specific Shifts. Any Employee that has the Job title, as well as the Responsibility would be available to assign to that Shift. Click here for more information on Job Responsibilities.