This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module.

The Schedule screen in the Scheduling Module is a Calendar with Weekly or Daily views of the Schedule that can be filtered by Employee, Job, or Department. All Employee shifts can be managed in a simple drag and drop form from this screen. When set to 'Employee' view for a selected Location, shifts for both the selected Location and any other Location that Employees are assigned to will appear to help limit crossover and double scheduling.

Scheduling Templates can be created from this screen as well, providing consistency and efficiency while scheduling. When completed, Schedules can be printed for each Location. Click here to view all of the functions available for R365 Scheduling.

Note: Employees with no Job Codes assigned via their Employee record will be hidden from the Schedule. If Custom Labor Forecasting is enabled, click here to view how the Sales and Labor Forecast Header is altered.


To access this page, navigate to the Scheduling Module and then select 'Schedule' in the left navigation pane. The Schedule Calendar will be shown in the center portion of the screen. The elements of this window are described below.

Header Fields

There are several selectors and buttons located in the Header that allow the User to select which Schedule to view and how the Schedule will be displayed.


1) Location Selector - Select the Location you'll be working on.  This will be set to your Default Location on page load

2) Department / Jobs Filter - Select which Departments or Jobs will be displayed in the Schedule Calendar.  This filter is particularly useful for BOH and FOH Managers that only want to work on the schedule for their team members.

3) Week / Day Toggle - View and update the Schedule by Week (default) or by Day

4) Employee / Job / Department Toggle - Set the rows in the Schedule Calendar to display Employees (default), Job Titles, or Departments

5) New Shift Button - Click 'New Shift' to open the 'Create New Shift' prompt and add a Shift to the Schedule.  You can also right click on the Calendar and select 'New' to create a new Shift

6) Messaging Audit Center - Click to open the R365 Messaging Audit Center. This center works in conjunction with R365 Employee Messaging, where Employees can communicate via the R365 Red App without providing any personal contact information. The Messaging Audit Center is where messages that were reported as inappropriate can be addressed. Click here for more information on the R365 Messaging Audit Center

7) Manager Queue - Click this alert icon to open the Manager Queue screen to approve or deny requests from your employees

8) Refresh - Refresh the Schedule View

9) Print - Click to open the 'Print Schedule' pane where you can customize your print selections. Click here to learn more about Print Options

10) View & Template Options - Click to open the View/Template Options pane where you can create and manage Saved Views, and save and use Schedule Templates. Click here to learn more about View & Template Options 

11) Publish / Unpublish - Click this button to open the 'Publish Shifts' prompt where you can choose to publish by Department, Job, or Employee. Click here to learn more about Publishing & Unpublishing

11) Week / Day Selector - Click this Date Picker to select a new Week (or Day). Click the '<' arrow to go back a Week (or Day).  Click '>' to go forward a Week (or Day). The Schedule will update with each selection.  The selected week (or Day) will be displayed here as you work on the Schedule. This will be set to the current week on page load

OT Hours, Sales Forecast, Labor Totals and Suggested Hours

The section below the header fields and above the calendar provides helpful info as a reference to assist when scheduling

  • The leftmost section contains a roll-up summary of the data for the entire week (when in Week view), including the total number of OT Hours currently on the Schedule
  • Sales and Labor Forecast contains several useful values that are key in determining the staff needed to meet Forecasted Sales and SPLH Goals.  Click here to learn more about Forecasting
  • Hrs (Suggested) contains the Suggested Hours that should be scheduled to meet Forecasted Sales.  Click here to learn more about Suggested Hours

Sales Forecast & Labor

This row displays the sales forecast and labor totals for each day.  This forecast is taken from the Sales Forecast entered in the forecast window (click here for more information on Sales Forecasting).  

  • Labor: Value is calculated based on the Advanced Metrics settings found in 'View & Template Options'
    • Burdened – Labor Estimates are calculated using (Employee Hours * Pay Rate) + Employee Benefit percentages (per the Labor Estimates on the Location Record, or when utilizing Departments, on the Department Record). Management Estimates (including Management Benefits) are included
    • Unburdened – Labor Estimates are a straight calculation of Hours * Pay Rate for all Employees. No Management Estimates or Benefits included
  • Labor % Goal: Hover over the Weekly Summary section of any individual day to view the Labor % Goal

  • Labor +/- :  The difference between the Labor % Goal and Labor %.  Labor % Goal is found on the Location record on the 'Goals' tab (or when utilizing Departments, on the Department Record) where a goal can be entered for labor as a percent of sales for each day of the week.  When negative, text will be displayed in red 

Hours & Suggested Hours

  • Hrs (Suggested) = Total Hours Scheduled followed by (Suggested Hours) in parenthesis.  Calculated by dividing Forecasted Daily Sales by SPLH Goals.  SPLH Goals are used to determine Suggested Hours in the Scheduling Module
  • Staff +/- : The difference between the Suggest Hours and Actual Hours.  When negative, text will be displayed in red

Schedule Calendar

This is the main section of the Schedule window where Shifts are placed and moved around on the Calendar.


Shift can be added directly to the Calendar by right clicking on a cell and selecting 'New', or clicking in the Schedule header. Each of these actions will open the 'Create New Shift' prompt. Click here for more information on the Shifts.

Job Title Filter

When viewing the Schedule Calendar by Employee, a User can perform a single left click on any Shift to select it and create an instant filter that will only display employees that have the required Job Title for that Shift and are also available for that Shift (meaning they are not already scheduled for another Shift at the same time, or have Approved Time-off).  Once clicked, the selected Shift will turn a darker form of its original color (in this example, green), letting you know that it is selected and a filter is in place.  


Selected with Filter Enabled:

This makes finding your available Employees much easier.  When you are done with the filter, simply click  on any white space on the Schedule Calendar and the filter will be disabled.

Unassigned Shifts Section

The Unassigned Shifts, or Shifts that have not yet been assigned to an Employee, will appear in the Unassigned Shifts section.  The 'Unassigned Shifts' section is collapsed by default, but can be expanded as needed:


Shifts exist in a 'Day Pot' on their respective Calendar Day.  Unassigned Shifts can be created by right clicking in the 'Unassigned Shifts' section and selecting 'New', or by creating a Shift and leaving the 'Employee' field blank.  

Unassigned Shifts cannot be dragged to another day, and are locked to the Date on which they were created. However, shifts can be copied and pasted to/from the Unassigned row in the Job and Department view of the schedule. If you need to change the Date of an Unassigned Shift, you must double click on it to open the 'Edit Shift' prompt where you can manually update the Date value.

Unassigned Shifts have a slightly darker color than an Assigned Shift, but in place of black text, they have white text as shown below:

Unassigned Shift:

Assigned Shift:

Assigning Unassigned Shifts

Unassigned shifts can also be assigned using two different methods:

  1. Drag the shift from the Unassigned Shift Section on to the Employee that will receive the Shift.  Once you select an Unassigned Shift, the Shift Filter will be in affect, so you'll only be able to drop the Shift on an Employee that currently has that Job Title
  2. Open the Shift (double click or right click and choose Edit) and selecting the Employee in the Employee selector

When the User Saves the shift edit, the filters will be cleared and all shifts are displayed again. However, if the User clicks 'Close', the shift will remain selected and the filters will remain in place. 

Add or Move Shifts

  • To Copy a Shift, right click and select 'Copy' and then right click in the destination cell for the new shift and choose 'Paste'.  This will create a copy of that Shift but will change the Date to the destination Date
  • To Move a Shift to a different Date or different Employee, click the Shift with the left mouse button and hold down the button while dragging it to the desired slot and then release the button.  If moved to a different day then the Date of the Shift will be changed automatically.  If moved to a different Employee Row then the Employee on the Shift will be modified.  
  • To Delete a Shift, right click and select 'Delete'
  • To Edit a Shift, double click on the Shift.  Alternatively, right click and choose 'Edit'
  • To Create a New Shift, right click on the cell and choose 'New'
  • When in the Day view, to Adjust the Time on a Shift, first select a Shift by clicking on it.  Next, left click on the left edge (for start time) or right edge (for end time) and drag the shift wider or narrower to change the time.  You can also open the shift and adjust the times on the Edit Shift prompt manually

View Options: Employee, Job, and Department

The Schedule Calendar can display your Schedule using three different classifications by Week or by Day.  The colors of each Shift are based on the colors assigned on the Job record.

View Option: Employee

  • Each row will display an Employee (you have the option to display 'All Employees' or 'Scheduled Employees' depending on your settings in 'View & Template Options')
  • The Employee picture will be shown to the left of their Name, if a Picture has been uploaded to their Employee record
  • Below the Employee Name are two numbers separated by a bar.  The third line contains a list of the Employee's Job Titles
    • Number 1: Total Hours scheduled
    • Number 2: Actual Hours Worked for this Employee.  
      • Note: If the hours the Employee is scheduled for are approaching Overtime, the numbers will turn orange.  If the numbers surpass Overtime, they will turn red as seen in the image above for 'Beckett, Debbie'.
  • Employee Availability - Individual Availability can be managed by a Restaurant Manager on the Employee record, or by the Employee themselves using the R365 App (Red) (subject to Manager Approval).  Click here for more information on the Employee record 
    • Unavailable All Day: If the Employee has been marked as Unavailable All Day, then a gray "Unavailable All Day" box will appear for the Employee on that day

    • Approved Time Off: If the Employee has requested and received Approval from their Manager for Time off on a certain day, a gray 'Approved Time off: ' box will appear for the Employee on that Day

  • Shifts will display the Job Title, Start Time, Out Time, and Total Hours (see the Shift on Mon 3/11 for 'CASHIER 5:15a-1:15p 8 h' in the image above)

View Option: Job

  • Each Row will display a Job Title with all Shifts assigned to that Job showing on that Row in a collapsed view.  These can be expanded as needed.
  • Below the Job Title are two numbers separated by a bar
    • Number 1: Total Hours scheduled for the Job Title
    • Number 2: Actual Hours Worked 
      • Note: If either number represents Overtime values, these numbers will turn red
  • When a Job Title Section on a Day is expanded, Shifts will display the Employee Name, Start Time (and Out Time if selected on the View & Template Options) and Total Hours as shown below:

View Option: Department

  • Each Row will display a Department with all Shifts assigned to that Department showing on that Row in a collapsed view.  These can be expanded as needed.
  • Below the Departments are two numbers separated by a bar
    • Number 1: Total Hours scheduled for the Department
    • Number 2: Actual Hours Worked for the Department
      • Note: If either number represents Overtime values, these numbers will turn red
  • When a Department Section on a Day is expanded, Shifts will display the Job Title, Employee Name, Start Time (and Out Time if selected on the View & Template Options) and Total Hours as shown below:

View Options: By Day and Job to show Staffing Coverage

A particularly useful view is 'By Day' and 'Job', as you can quickly see if you have the necessary coverage for all available Jobs in the selected Departments, as shown below.  In the example the Job 'Drive Through' is expanded to see the overlap on each individual Shift.