This article is part of the Scheduling Module training. Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module.

Departments allow you to create custom groupings of your Employees for Scheduling and Goal Setting purposes.  The Department record allows you to name the Department, assign it to a Location, and specify which Managers are over the Department as well as which Jobs are included in the Department.

Creating a Department

Hover over the Scheduling Menu and select 'New Department'.  The Department Form will load in a new tab: 

To view the list of existing Departments, navigate to the Scheduling Module and open the 'Departments' list in the left nav.

Department Form

1) Department Title - Enter the Department Title as it will be displayed in filters on the Schedule Calendar

2) Location - Select the Location for the Department

3) Managers - Select the Managers that will Manage this Department at the Location selected.  This is a multi-select field, so you can select more than one Manager

  • Note: Only Users that have the Security Role 'Restaurant Manager' and access to the Location and have a corresponding/linked Employee record will be available to be selected in this multi-select field

4) Jobs - Select the Jobs that will be included in this Department at the Location selected.  A Job may only belong to one Department.  This is a multi-select field, so you can select more than one Job

5) Description - Enter a Description for the Department

Goals Tab

These Goals are used in the calculations that appear on the Schedule Calendar.  You also have the option to set Goals on the Location record; however if you are utilizing Departments, it is recommended that you use these Goal settings in addition to the settings on the Location record.  Department Goals will grant you control over your Goals by Department, and not just by Location.  

It is important to recognize the Goal Settings Hierarchy as it will likely come into play during your use in R365 Scheduling:

  1. When no Department Filters are set, the Location Goals will be used on the Schedule Calendar
  2. When Department Filters are set, the Department Goals will be used on the Schedule Calendar

1) SPLH Goal - Sales Per Labor Hour Goals can be set for each calendar day.  SPLH Goals are used in Suggested Hours that are listed on the Schedule Calendar, as shown below:

2) Labor % Goal -
Labor % Goals can be set for each calendar day.  Labor % Goals are displayed when hovering over the Day column on the Schedule Calendar, as shown below:

Using Departments

Departments can be used on the Schedule Calendar to filter the View, as well as Bulk Publish & Unpublish.

Viewing By Department

Select 'Department' in the view by selector in the header of the Schedule Calendar.  You can save this as your preferred view by clicking theicon and saving the view on the 'View & Template Options' pane

Selecting Specific Departments

Use the Departments/Jobs Filter to select specific Departments:

Publishing by Department

When you use the 'Publish' (or 'Unpublish') button, you have the option to select each Department that will have their respective Shifts Published.  By default, all Departments will be selected, but can be unselected as needed: