This is a part of the Schedule Calendar feature. Click here to learn more about the Schedule Calendar.


The Print Schedule pane allows you to select exactly what you want to print. Please note, the image is displayed horizontally for ease of reading on the Support Center.

Print Options Sidesheet


1) Locations Selector - The Location that will be printed 

2) Department / Jobs Selector - The Department or Jobs that will be printed on the Schedule

3) Sort Selector - The organization of the Schedule when it is printed. Options include:

  • Start Time (Earliest - Latest) 
    • Note: This option will only appear when printing in 'Day' View. If selected and two or more Employees start at the same time, those Employees will be organized alphabetically
  • Start Time (Latest - Earliest)    
    • Note: This option will only appear when printing in 'Day' View. If selected and two or more Employees start at the same time, those Employees will be organized alphabetically
  • Name (A-Z) 
  • Name (Z-A) 
  • Most Scheduled Hours 
  • Least Scheduled Hours

4) Week / Day Selector - The Week/Day that will be printed

5) Show By Department - This will print the Schedule by Department. When printed from this view, each shift will display the Employee's Name, the Shift Times, and the Job Title

6) Show by Job - This will print the Schedule by Job

7) Show by Employee - This will print the Schedule by Employee

8) Print Fields Home Store Only - Toggle this to display only the Employees who have this Location as their default Location on the printed Schedule

9) Print Fields Scheduled Employees - Toggle this to display only the Employees who are scheduled on the printed Schedule

10) Print Fields Events - Toggle this to include any posted Events on the printed Schedule

11) Print Fields Catering Site - Toggle this to include any booked Catering Events that contain an assigned Site on the printed Schedule

12) Print Fields Responsibility - Toggle this to include any Shift Responsibilities on the printed Schedule

13) Print Fields Out Times - Toggle this to include Out Times on the printed Schedule 

14) Total Hours - Toggle this to display each scheduled Employee's daily total hours and overtime hours, if applicable, on the printed Schedule

15) Confirm Print Button - This button will print the Schedule

  • Note: A recent change in Google Chrome (September 2019) made the print preview screen shrinks in size. You are able to restore the previous print preview by adjusting the following Google Chrome setting. Enter 'chrome://flags' into Google Chrome's URL window (where you enter all URLs). Once on this screen, search for 'Print', then locate 'Enable New Print Preview UI Layout' and select 'Disable' in the drop-down menu. Once Chrome has been restarted, the changes will be in effect.