This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module.

Shifts are the detailed Employee assignments on the Schedule.  The Shift form is generally opened as a pop-up window on the Schedule screen, but can also be opened from other places in the application as described below.

Note: While other Users can create and edit shifts, only Users with the Primary Security Role of Full Access or Accounting Manager or the Secondary Security role of Schedule Approval will be able to publish shifts and schedules.

Creating a Shift

Blank New Shifts can be created using the following methods:

  1. Right click a blank cell and select 'New'

  2. Click button in the header of the Schedule Calendar Screen. This will pre-populate as many fields in the form as possible based on the cell that was right-clicked (Date, Employee, Job, Title, ect.)

Copying a Shift

To Copy an existing Shift, right click on the Shift and select 'Copy'.

Next, right click in the destination cell for the new Shift and choose 'Paste'.  This will create a copy of that Shift and will change the Date to the destination Date.

Opening an Existing Shift

Existing Shifts can be opened using the following methods:

  1. On the Schedule Calendar - double click on an existing Shift or right click and selecting 'Edit'
  2. On the Manager Queue - Shifts can be opened to Approve or Deny Requests such as Shift Trades, Shift Drops, and Open Shifts Bids

Shift Fields

1) Job Selector - Select the Job for the Shift.  This is a required field for any Shift

2) Responsibility Selector - Select the Job Responsibility for the Shift.  Only Employees with the Job Responsibility assigned on their Employee record will be eligible for the Shift

3) Rating Requirement - Set the Rating Requirement for the Shift.  Ratings are set for Each Employee on the Job record and are kept private from the Employee.  Similar to Job Responsibilities, Ratings offer an additional layer of filtering so that you only see the correct Employees that are eligible to successfully fill the Shift

4) Employee Selector - Select the Employee that will be Assigned to the Shift. This field can be left blank to save the Shift as an Unassigned Shift that will be filled at a later time.  It is also recommended that when creating Shift Templates (see #8), that the Employee remain Unassigned for generic Shift Templates

5) Date Selector - Select the Date of the Shift.  Note: if the Employee field is blank, the Unassigned Shift cannot be moved to a different day via 'drag and drop' on the Schedule Calendar.  You must modify the Date value here on the Shift form in order to change the Date.

6) Start Time - Enter the Start Time for the Shift. If this shift was created by right-clicking on the schedule, the Start Time will default to the selected time when opened

7) End Time - Enter the End Time for the Shift. If this shift was created by right-clicking on the schedule, the End Time will default to the selected time when opened

8) Create Template Checkbox - Check this box if this Shift will be used as a Template to more quickly fill out the Shift settings in the future.  When checked, the 'Template Name' field will appear where you can enter a display name for the Template.

Templates are displayed directly above the Job Selector (#1) once the Job has been selected, as shown below:

9) Save & Cancel - Click the Save button to save the Shift, or Cancel to close the Shift Prompt without saving

Scheduling an Upcoming Week

The following pop-up window will appear when scheduling an upcoming week or when the last shift is deleted on a schedule.

1) Scheduler Template - A Scheduler Template made previously can be used as the framework for a new week

2) Prior Week - The User is able to have the same shifts auto-populate from the prior week

  • Note: If working on future schedules, any week prior to the week the User is working on can be used as a framework for scheduling. For example, if working 4 weeks ahead, the User can select any of the 3 future weeks prior to that 4th week being scheduled

3) No Thanks - This option allows the User to create a new week without a previous framework

4) Use - This is clicked after selected either 'Scheduler Template' or 'Prior Week'