This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module.

Job Responsibilities allow you to put more detailed qualifications on a Job and specify which Employees have those qualifications.  When assigning Shifts, you can designate which responsibilities/qualifications are required and limit which Employees are eligible for that Shift.  These can be used in a number different ways including to record certifications and skills for specific Employees that pertain to specific Jobs.


For example if you have a job called Cook but schedule where one Shift is working the grill and another the fryer, then 'Grill' and 'Fryer' can be setup as Job Responsibilities on the Job record and then assigned to whichever Employees are qualified to do each of those.  On the Shift in the Schedule you can specify it will be for Job = Cook and Responsibility = Fryer.  Only Employees with the Fryer responsibility qualification will be able to be assigned to that Shift.

Another example would be that you require certain training or certifications before certain duties on a Job can be performed.  You could specify that a certain Shift requires 'Cashier Training' to be completed.  You would set that as a Job Responsibility assigned to the Job record and then set that on the shift.  Only Employees who you have assigned the 'Cashier Training' Job Responsibility to (meaning they passed that training) will be available for that Shift.

Create Job Responsibilities

To create a Job Responsibility, hover over the Scheduling menu and select 'New Job Responsibility'. The Job Responsibility Form will load in a new tab.

Job Responsibility Form

The only field available on the form is 'Name'.  Enter the Responsibility Name, then use the Save menu to save and close the record.

To view the list of existing Job Responsibilities, navigate to the Scheduling Module, then select 'Job Responsibilities' in the left nav. Double click on any row to open the record for editing.

Assigning Job Responsibilities to Jobs

Open the Job Record. and navigate to the 'Responsibilities' tab.  Click in the 'Select Responsibility' selector and find the desired Job Responsibility.  Next, click 'Add'.  The Job Responsibility will be added to the table.  Save the record to complete the process.

Assigning Job Responsibilities to Employees

Note: In order to assign a Job Responsibility to an Employee, that Employee must have the corresponding Job Title that the Job Responsibility has been assigned to.  If the Employee does not have the Job Title on their 'Jobs' tab, they will not be able to have the Job Responsibility assigned to their Employee Record.

Open the Employee record and navigate to the 'Responsibilities' tab.  Click in the 'Select Responsibility' selector and find the desired Job Responsibility.  Next, click 'Add'.  The Job Responsibility will be added to the table.  Save the record to complete the process.

Using Job Responsibilities on Shifts

On the Shift form, select the desired Job Responsibility during Shift creation.  Only Employees with the Assigned Job Title, and Job Responsibility will be eligible for that Shift.  Click here for more information on Shifts.