This article is part of the Scheduling Module training.  Click here for more information on the Scheduling Module.

The Manager Queue is the Restaurant Manager's one-stop for all Requests. Whenever an Employee submits a request, his/her Manager will also receive a SMS/Email notifying him/her of that request. Within the Manager Queue, Restaurant Managers can view the number of open requests and Approve or Deny those requests, which include Shift Trades, Shift Claims, Time off Requests, and Availability Changes.

Managers can also receive and respond to Employee requests using the R365 Red App. Click here for more information on using the Mobile App to manage requests.

Opening the Manager Queue


The Manager Queue is accessible from the Schedule Calendar, and can be opened by clicking the bell icon.  When clicked, the Manager Queue will load in a new tab.

Manager Queue Tabs

The Manager Queue Tabs label the types of requests made by Employees. Each tab will display the number of open requests currently on that tab. There are four tabs that make up the Manager Queue:

  1. Availability Changes
  2. Time Off
  3. Shift Trades
  4. Shift Offers

Header Settings

Identical header settings are located at the top of all four tabs.  These header settings provide the following functionality:

 1) Location Selector - Select the Location to view the available Requests.  The default selection will be your user's Default Location

2) Active Requests - Select to view the Active Requests 

3) Archived Requests - View any Requests that have already been Approved or Denied. Learn more about Archived Requests below

4) Refresh - Click this icon to Refresh the contents of the Manager Queue without refreshing the page

Availability Changes Tab

Employees can Request Availability Changes through the Availability Screen in the R365 App (Red). Once submitted, it will appear in the Availability Changes tab for Manager Approval or Denial

1) Request Submitted On Date / Time - Displays the Date and Time in which the Request was submitted by your Employee

2) Employee Name: Employee Job(s) - Displays the Employee Name, followed by their Job(s) 

3) Prior Availability Settings - Displays the original values for the changes being requested.  These can be compared to the newly requested Availability (#4)

4) New Availability Settings - Displays the requested changes to the Employee's Availability.  These can be compared to the original Availability (#3)

5) Note to Employee - Optionally enter a Note to the Employee regarding your Approval or Denial

6) Approve / Deny Buttons - Click 'Approve' to Approve the Availability Change Request.  Click 'Deny' to Deny the Availability Change Request

Time Off Tab

Employees can Request Time Off through the Time off Screen in the R365 App (Red). Once submitted, it will appear in the Time Off tab for Manager Approval or Denial.

1) Request Submitted On Date / Time - Displays the Date and Time in which the Request was submitted by your Employee

2) Employee Name: Employee Job(s) - Displays the Employee Name, followed by their Job(s) 

3) Time off Details - Displays the Date of the Requested Time off, along with the time range for the Time off

4) Note to Employee - Optionally enter a Note to the Employee regarding your Approval or Denial

5) Approve / Deny Buttons - Click 'Approve' to Approve the Time Off Request.  Click 'Deny' to Deny the Time Off Request

Shift Trades Tab

A Requesting Employee can Request to Trade a Shift with a Receiving Employee in the R365 App (Red).  Before a Shift Trade arrives in the Manager Queue, the Receiving Employee must first Approve the Shift Trade on the R365 App (Red).  After the Receiving Employee Approval, the Manager will then be able to Approve or Deny the Shift Trade Request


1) Request Submitted On Date / Time - Displays the Date and Time in which the Request was submitted by the Requesting Employee

2) Requesting Employee Name: Employee Job(s) - Displays the Requesting Employee Name, followed by their Job(s) 

3) Requesting Employee Shift Details - Displays the Job, Date, and Time range of the Shift that is being Traded to the Receiving Employee

4) Receiving Employee Name: Employee Job(s) - Displays the Receiving Employee Name, followed by their Job(s) 

5) Receiving Employee Shift Details - Displays the Job, Date, and Time range of the Shift that is being Requested by the Requesting Employee

6) Note to Employee - Optionally enter a Note to the Employees regarding your Approval or Denial

7) Approve / Deny Buttons - Click 'Approve' to Approve the Shift Trade Request.  Click 'Deny' to Deny the Shift Trade Request

Shift Offers Tab

Employees can Offer their Assigned Shifts for other Employees to Claim.  When an Employee offers and Shift, they receive a warning that they are still responsible for the Shift until it has been Claimed and the Claim has been Approved by a Manager.  Multiple Employees can Claim an Offered Shift.  It is up to the Manager to decide who will receive the Offered Shift (Approving the Claim) or who will not (Denying the Claim)

1) Request Submitted On Date / Time - Displays the Date and Time in which the Shift was Offered by the Offering Employee

2) Offering Employee Name - Displays the Offering Employee Name.  Note: if the Shift being Claimed is a Published Unassigned Shift, this line will be blank (as there is no Employee Offering the Shift)

3) Offered Shift Details - Displays the Job, Date, and Time range of the Shift that is being Offered

4) Claiming Employees Name: Job(s) - Each Employee that submits a Claim for this Shift will be listed here

5) Selected Claim Radio Buttons - Click the radio button next to the Employee you wish to Approve the Claim for.  The 'Approve' button will be grayed out until you make a selection using these radio buttons

6) Note to Employee - Optionally enter a Note to the Employees regarding your Approval or Denial

7) Approve / Deny All Buttons - To Approve a submitted Claim, first select an Employee by clicking the Selected Claim Radio Button (#5) next to the Employee's Name, then click 'Approve'.  Click 'Deny All' to Deny all existing Claim Requests and cancel the Shift Offer from the Offering Employee

Archived Requests

When the Request Status is toggled to 'Archived', a listing of all previously submitted requests is displayed along with the date and time the request was made, the requester's name and job code, the details of the request, the status of the request, and the date and time the request was either Approved or Denied. 

The User can view any type of Archived request as he/she navigates the Manager Queue. Simply toggle the Request Status to 'Archived' while on each Request Type page.