The Overtime Rules Groups Management page is where Overtime Rules can be created and managed to reflect your Organization's and/or State's overtime criteria by Location. 

Once set, these rules will be reflected in the Schedule Calendar by displaying the total Overtime Hours scheduled for all Employees and then listing scheduled Employee hours in red when the hours set for that Employee hits any of the overtime criteria set. Additionally, Overtime Hours will be included in the Schedule's Publish Check before being finalized.

This article reviews the following:

  • Security 
  • Navigation
  • Overtime Rules Groups Management Page
  • Create an Overtime Rule Group
  • Edit an Overtime Rule Group
  • Exempt Employees

Contact your Coach or CSM to enable Overtime Rules for your instance. If within the Smart Ops Release window, click here to view Overtime Rules on the Admin page.


Once Overtime Rules are enabled for your instance, Users with the following Security Roles will be able to create, edit, and delete Overtime Rules:

  • Full Access (Primary)
  • Accounting Manager (Primary)
  • Forecasting Admin (Secondary)

Users with the following Primary Security Role can only view Overtime Rules that apply to the Location(s) each individual User has access to:

  • Restaurant Manager


To open the Overtime Rules Groups Management Page, navigate to the Scheduling module and click 'Overtime Rules' under 'Scheduling Administration' in the left navigation pane.

Overtime Rules Groups Management Page

From the Overtime Rules Management page, Users with security access can view, create, edit, and delete Overtime Rules as needed.


1) Group - The name of the Overtime Rule Group

2) Type - The type of Overtime Rule Group. Options include:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • 7th Day Consecutive

3) Applied Locations - The Locations that have this rule applied to their Schedule Calendar. Hovering over the first listed Location will display all Applied Location(s) 

4) Edited Date - The date that this rule was last modified

5) Edited By - The User who last modified this rule

6) Delete - When this trash can icon is clicked, the rule will be deleted from the listing

7) + Create - When clicked, this will open the 'New Overtime Rule Group' modal and enable the User to create a new rule

Create an Overtime Rule Group

To create a new Overtime Rule Group, click the '+ Create' button in the top, right corner above the listing. This will open the 'New Overtime Rule Group' modal. From this window, set the criteria for the desired overtime calculation. 

1) Rule Name - The name of the Overtime Rule Group

2) Work day begins - The start of the work day, which is used to calculate overtime correctly. Options include:

  • At start of shift - This is a placeholder for future enhancements where the daily overtime calculation will begin within the 24 hour period after the Employee's first shift
  • Calendar Day - This daily overtime calculation will begin at the start of the Calendar Day

3) Overtime Settings - The way in which overtime is calculated. One or more options can be selected where both hours worked and overtime rate set (e.g., 1.5 times their hourly pay). Options include:

  • Daily - The Employee exceeds a specific total number of hours for a pay week
  • Weekly - The Employee exceeds a specific total number of hours in a day
  • 7th Day Consecutive - The Employee works all seven days during a pay week

4) Search Locations - This box enables the User to search for and select the Locations that will use this Overtime Rule Group. When selected, Locations will then appear in the Applied Locations box. Locations can be added both individually or in bulk:

  • Individually - Add individual Locations by clicking the plus iconnext to the desired Location(s)
  • In Bulk- Locations can be added in bulk in two different ways:
    • Clicking the '+ Apply All (#)' button, which will add all Locations in the listing

    • Checking the boxesnext to the Location name for all desired Locations and then clicking the '+ Apply Selected (#)'

5) Applied Locations - A listing of all Locations that have this rule applied to their Schedule Calendar. Locations can be removed from this box individually by selecting the desired Location(s) and then clicking the '- Remove Selected (#)' button or in bulk by clicking the '- Remove All (#)' button below the listing

6) Save - This will save the Overtime Rule Group

7) Expand - This will expand the modal to full screen 

8) Close - This will close out the modal without saving the calculation set

Edit an Overtime Rule Group

To edit an Overtime Rule Group, simply double-click the rule group, make the necessary edits, and click 'Save'.

Exempt Employees

Employees can be marked as exempt from Scheduled Overtime hours and/or pay calculations so that Scheduling and Forecasting are not skewed for certain Employees, such as Salaried Employees.

To do so, navigate to and open the desired Employee record(s) from the Employees listing. When the record opens, select one or more of the 'Exclusion' checkboxes on the 'General' tab:

  • Exclude Labor Hours- This will exclude Scheduled Labor Hours or Labor $ on the Employee's time card
    • Note: If this is selected, then both Exclude OT and Exclude Labor $ will be selected by default
  • Exclude OT - This will ensure that the Employee does not receive any Scheduled Overtime pay on their time card for any hours worked beyond the time frame set for OT Rule Group(s), if set. If not set, this will default OT to over 40 hours a week
  • Exclude Labor $ - This will display the total Scheduled Labor Hours for the Employee but the Employee's Scheduled Labor $ will not impact the total Labor $ for their corresponding Location(s)

When the necessary checkboxes are selected, ensure to save the record(s).