Documents to Process is a feature in Restaurant365 that allows Users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time.  This is different from the EDI process where invoice details can be imported from a CSV file. 

Documents to Process exists for the instances when an importable CSV format of an Invoice does not exist, and transaction details must be entered by a User in to the system. Invoices are marked by priority and then date and can be assigned to certain Users for future entry.

Benefits of the Documents to Process feature:

  • Multiple AP / CM Transaction files can be uploaded to the system (even in the same PDF file) and then entered at a later time
  • Vendors can send AP / CM Transaction files directly to a specified email address or hosted FTP folder location without any required action from the Restaurant Group.  These files will be imported automatically and reside, awaiting processing, in the 'Documents to Process' list view
  • AP / CM Transaction files can be uploaded at the Restaurant level and made immediately available at the Corporate level
  • AP / CM Transaction files are automatically attached to the transaction record in Restaurant365 for audit purposes
  • The direct creation and entering of AP Invoices from the Documents to Process page
  • The limiting of multiple invoice entries when Users enter from the Documents to Process page

Uploading Documents to Process

To begin using Documents to Process, determine the preferred method of Uploading Documents to Process for your Organization.  Once determined, perform the necessary set up for the desired Upload Method

  • AP Automation
  • FTP
  • Manual Upload

Click here for more information on Documents to Process Upload Methods


Users with the Primary Security Roles of 'Accounting Manager' and 'Restaurant Manager' will have the ability to Upload Documents to Process via the 'Manual Upload' process within Restaurant365.

All other Users (including non-users, such as Vendors) will have the ability to Upload Documents to Process via AP Automation or FTP when granted access to those Upload Methods (specified Email address and FTP site credentials, respectively).  By default, Users with the Security Role of 'Accounting Manager' will have the ability to 'Approve' AP Transactions that occur via Documents to Process.  The other two User types will not have the 'Approve' ability.  To enable these Users to Approve AP Transactions, provide the User with the necessary Secondary Security Role(s):

  • Approve AP Invoice – this role gives a 'Restaurant Manager' the ability to 'Approve' AP Invoices
  • Approve AP Credit – this role gives a 'Restaurant Manager' the ability to 'Approve' AP Credit Memos

Click here for training on assigning security roles.


Documents to Process is located in the 'Purchases' subsection of the Operations Module.

Documents to Process Header

1) All - This will display a listing of all documents uploaded into R365

2) Priority - This will show only the documents marked as 'High Priority'

3) Issues - This will display only the documents that have an issue added to it. Unlike other documents that leave the queue when a transaction is saved, a document will stay in the queue until the transaction created has been Approved

4) Search Bar - This enables a User to search for a specific document in each of the three display listings

5) View Archived - This displays a list of archived, or duplicated, documents

6) Edit Selected - This allows the User to edit the information within the document row. This button will be grayed out until the documents in the grid below are checked. When clicked, the following image will appear in a pop-up window where you will be able update values in the document row:

  • Document Type - The type of document
  • Location - The Location that received the document
  • User - The User assigned with the task of entering the document in R365
  • High Priority Checkbox - Checking this will mark this as a high priority entry
  • Update - Click this button to update the line with the information entered in this window

7) Delete Selected - This allows the User to delete any of the selected documents. A window will pop up to confirm that the selected documents are to be deleted

8) Thumbnail View - This allows the User to to view document thumbnails

9) List View - This allows the User to view documents in a listing

10) Refresh - This will refresh the listing of documents

11) Invoice Checkbox - Check this for each row whose document needs to be edited or deleted

12) Priority Flag - Click this arrow to mark an AP Invoice or Credit Memo as priority. When hovering over this area next to a document, an arrowwill appear that can be clicked

13) File Name - The name of the document

14) Pages - The number of pages for that document

15) Created On - The date the upload was made

16) Location - The Location that was sent the document. This column can be filtered for all Locations

17) Issues - Any notes added that explain issues with the upload. This can be manually entered by the User. This column can be filtered for all issues

18) Assigned To - The Employee assigned to inputting the transaction details into R365. This column can be filtered for all Users who have access to Documents to Process

19) Actions - The actions available to complete for a document, which include:

  • Create- This button will send the User directly to an AP Invoice form when clicked. This function is expanded on further in the section below
    • Note: This button will display 'Locked' and appear grayed out when another User is entering the transaction into R365. If a User is inactive for more than 30 minutes while entering in a transaction, the transaction details will not be saved and the 'Create' button will be clickable again
  • Delete - This trash can icon will function similarly to the 'Delete Selected' button, but will only delete an individual document at a time

'Create' Button Header

When the 'Create' button is selected, an AP Invoice form will appear in a new window with the file of the uploaded document displayed for easy reference. To enter in an AP Credit Memo instead, click the 'Switch to an AP Credit Memo' hyperlink next to the 'AP Invoice' title. The functionality of the AP Transaction window allows the User easy and efficient entry of an Invoice or Credit Memo.

1) Switch to Credit Memo Hyperlink - The hyperlink that will switch the form to an AP Credit Memo form if needed 

2) Report Issues - This button allows the User to report any issues associated with the invoice. When clicked, a listing of all potential issues will appear next to the invoice. A check mark will indicate the issues of each invoice uploaded

3) Mark as Archived - This button will mark the invoice as a duplicate and archive it. This is beneficial for entry Users so that they can hide duplicates of an invoice or skip a duplicate rather than entering in multiple invoices mistakenly

Documents to Process: Upload Methods

Files can be uploaded to Documents to Process manually, via FTP and via AP Automation.  Click here for more information on Documents to Process: Upload Methods

AP Automation Overview

AP Automation requires that a specified Email address be set up following certain criteria.  Click here for more information on AP Automation

Gmail Settings

If your organization utilizes Gmail or the Google G Suite, additional Email settings must be in place to correctly utilize Gmail/G Suite Email addresses.  Click here for more information on Gmail Settings

FTP Site Overview

Multiple files can be uploaded at once to Location-specific folders via the FTP Site.  Click here for more information on FTP Site

Documents to Process: Uploading Files via AP Automation

Supported File Types can be emailed to the AP Automation Email address for automatic upload in to Restaurant365.  Click here for more information on Uploading Files via AP Automation

Documents to Process: Uploading Files via FTP

Users can upload multiple files to Documents to Process via the FTP Site.  Click here for more information on Documents to Process: Uploading Files via FTP

Documents to Process: Manual Upload

Individual files can be uploaded within Restaurant365 via Manual Upload.  Click here for more information on Manual Upload

Documents to Process: Log and Errors

The Documents to Process Log can be used to identify any errors in your uploaded files, and how to re-import after errors have been resolved.  Click here for more information on Documents to Process: Log and Errors

Processing Uploaded Documents

Click here for training on Processing Documents to Process

AP Invoice Record

Click here for more information on the AP Invoice Record

AP Credit Memo Record

Click here for more information on the AP Credit Memo Record