Once documents have been uploaded via any of the Documents to Process Upload Methods, they will be accessible in the Documents to Process list. This list comprises all available Documents to Process that have been imported in to Restaurant365. Currently, Documents to Process includes the options to process both AP Invoices and AP Credit Memos. In place of the regular process of creating new transactions for each of the supported record types, the User would follow the steps described below:

Step 1 - Navigate to the Documents to Process list view:

  • Operations Module -> Purchases -> Documents to Process

Step 2 - Review available Documents to Process:

  • Each document will reside either in a list view or as a thumbnail image the contents of the document
    • Note: Documents that have been processed will no longer reside in this list and will be found in the AP Transactions/All Transactions lists

Step 3 - Specify Document Type:

  • List View:
    • Select the Document Type within the 'Upload File' window or the 'Edit Selected' button when at least one document is selected

    • Click 'Create' on the document listing to open the document and the R365 transaction form. Initially, this document will default to AP Invoice (if not selected upon upload or updated via the 'Edit Selected' button), but can be switched to a Credit Memo form in the top ribbon

      • Note: If a document line displays a 'Locked' button instead of a 'Create' button, this means that another User is currently inputting this document's details into an AP Invoice or Credit Memo

  • Thumbnail Image:
    • Click the 'Inv' button to process the document as an AP Invoice.  The button is located above the image thumbnail, to the right of the filename of the document (shown in red below)
    • Click the 'CM' button to process the document as an AP Credit Memo.  The button is located above the image thumbnail, to the right of the 'Inv' button (shown in green below)

  • This action will open either the AP Invoice form or the AP Credit Memo form, respectively. The selected form will be visible on the left 2/3 of the screen while the Attachment Viewer containing the Document to Process will be visible on the right 1/3 of the screen

Step 4 - Review the Document for a Potential Duplicate Entry

  • Review the contents of the document and ensure that it is not a duplicate upload
  • If the file is a duplicate (or you are not sure), you can flag it for additional review by clicking 'Mark as Archived' in the Attachment Viewer.  
    • Note: Duplicate entries cannot be un-marked as Duplicates at this time. They must be processed from the 'View Archived' screen

  • Duplicate Entries can be reviewed by clicking the 'View Archived' buttonlocated on either 'Documents to Process' screen.  

Step 5 - Enter the details of the AP Invoice / AP Credit Memo:

  • Using the Attachment Viewer to zoom in, navigate through multiple pages, etc. enter the transaction details in to the form (click here for more information on the Attachment Viewer). Ensure to check the check boxes on each page / image as it is completed. Doing so will include the checked pages as an attachment on the AP Transaction once the record is saved

    • Note: For documents with 5 or less pages, by default, the 'All' checkbox will be selected. Therefore all pages will be attached to the transaction. The User can elect to uncheck the 'All' checkbox, and check each desired page as it is added. For documents will more than 5 pages, the 'All' checkbox will not be checked by default. The User would need to either check the 'All' box, or check each individual page as the pages are processed

Step 6 - Save & Close or Approve & Close the AP Transaction:

  • Upon Saving, or Approving an AP Transaction, the pages / images that had been checked, will automatically be attached to the AP Transaction as a PDF.  When the AP Transaction closes, the thumbnail of the Document to Process will no longer be present in the Documents to Process list.  The transaction record will be available in the AP Transactions list, or All Transactions list

  • Note: Some documents may contain multiple invoices.  
    • If the 'All' checkbox is selected when the invoice is saved / Approved, the system will attach the full document to the AP Invoice and the document will be removed from the Documents to Process list automatically. 
    • If any pages remain unchecked when the invoice is saved / Approved, the system will include only the checked pages. The additional pages will remain in the Documents to Process list so a User could continue the data-entry process with the remaining pages. 
      • In the event that any remaining pages do not need to be entered as an AP Transactions, a User can click the Trash Can button above the document from the Documents to Process list, and it will be removed from the list of unprocessed documents