Inputting AP Invoices is relatively easy. To create a new AP Invoice, hover over 'Vendor' on the top ribbon and click 'Invoice'. A new window will open with the name 'Unsaved AP Invoice'.

AP Invoice Header

1) Location - The location and legal entity should default from User settings. The User's default location will automatically appear each time a new Invoice is created for a faster input time, but this field can also be changed if needed. Click here to change the default Location via User Preferences

  • Note: Locations will be grayed out if they are inactivated. Click here to learn how to inactivate a Location

2) Vendor - The name of the Vendor from which the invoice was received. Once selected, the Vendor address will be noted below 'AP Invoice' in the top ribbon and any necessary 1099 information from the Vendor record will be listed below the Comment box. This provides necessary information at a quick glance

  • Note: Depending on the Vendor Entry method (set on the Vendor record), the details grid will be set to 'Account' or 'Item'

3) Invoice Number - This is the Vendor's invoice number. If no number is available, create a new one

  • Note: If you are entering a large invoice, like a food invoice from your supplier, you may want to use the ‘AP Invoice Import Function’. This functionality allows the User to import a pre-defined template with your suppliers invoice details

4) Document Date - The date listed on the invoice

5) Document Amount - Enter the total original amount of the invoice before any discounts. Although this is not mandatory, the placement of this field allows for a quick entry along with the required fields

6) Credit Expected - Any amount shorted on a given delivery. A highlighted 'Unassigned Amount' will pop up below the 'Amount' box and refers to the amount remaining to be assigned to a cost category

7) Comment - This optional field is useful for adding additional notes about a Credit Expected as well as other information to the AP Invoice. Comments appear in the 'Invoices & Credit Memo' list and can be used for sorting and filtering purposes

8) Priority - The Priority Status assigned to this invoice, which can assist in identifying and prioritizing payments. Status values include:

  • Critical
  • High
  • Standard
  • Low

AP Invoice Details

Invoice details can be entered in two different ways: Entry by Account or Entry by Item. Both ways are detailed out below.

Entry by Account (Cost Categories)

1) Amount - The amount for this category

2) Comment - This is an optional field where a User can type in any brief comments associated with this line item

3) Location - The Location and Legal Entity receiving the order. This will be auto-populated with the Location from the header

4) Add / Clear Button - This will either add or clear the information from the line. If added, the line will appear in the grid

Continue to add cost categories until the Unassigned Amount from the header is balanced. When finished, select the 'Save & New' button to enter another invoice or 'Save & Close' to exit the screen.

  • Note: As a helpful hint, ask your Vendors to summarize their invoices at the bottom by category. They are often very willing to do this and it will speed up data entry for you

Entry by Item

1) Item - An item from the Invoice. The system will search for all items that include the letters you typed in

2) Vendor Item - This field will be pre-populated based on the set-up information for this item

3) U of M - This field will be pre-populated based on the set-up information for this item

4) Quantity - The Quantity for this item

5) Each Amount - This field will be pre-populated based on the set-up information for this item

6) Total - The generated amount from the Quantity entry (Quantity x Each Amount)

7) Location - The Location and Legal Entity receiving the order. This will be auto-populated with the Location from the header

8) Add / Clear Button - This will either add or clear the information from the line. If added, the line will appear in the grid

Continue to add items until the Unassigned Amount from the header is balanced. When finished, select the 'Save & New' button to enter another invoice or 'Save & Close' to exit the screen.