System Preferences can only be accessed by Users with the User Setup Security Role. On the System Preference screen, various System-wide Account, Location, Email Automation, POS Integration, and Reporting settings can be adjusted. Changes made on the Preferences screen are put in to effect immediately upon saving.


To access the System Preference screen, a User must have the Secondary Security Role of 'User Setup'. This is a role that is typically reserved for one or two individuals in the organization to manage all User access to Restaurant365. The User that would have 'User Setup' is typically a User with the Security Role of 'Accounting Manager'. Click here for more information on Security Roles and User Setup.  

  • Note: Users with the Security Role of 'Restaurant Manager' can create Employees for the purposes of the Scheduling Module.  User creation and management is different than 'Employee' creation and management



System Preferences can be accessed via the 'Administration' menu in the top ribbon in Restaurant365. Hover over 'Administration' and click 'Preferences'.

Accounts Tab

System-wide Default Accounts are set on this tab. Click here for more information on Accounts.

Location Reporting Categories Tab

System-wide custom reporting categories can be created on this tab and then assigned on each Location record. Click here for more information on Location Reporting Categories.

Organization Structure Tab

This tab is only present when the R365 Financial Report Writer has been enabled for your database. Click here to learn more about Organization Structure and how it relates to the R365 Financial Report Writer.

AP Processing Email Tab

Restaurant365 can monitor a specified email address for automatic imports of AP Transactions. Click here for more information on AP Processing Email.

Miscellaneous Tab

The Miscellaneous tab contains several different settings that will effect multiple features in Restaurant365. Click here for more information on Miscellaneous.