The User Record is where all User specific information resides in the system. Once you have opened a User Record, information including User login and password, email, User roles, and primary Locations can be found here. Click here for more information on User Setup and Security.

  • Note: Partner Channel Users will have an updated User record.

To view if a User record is connected to an Employee record, view the 'Employee Link' column of the Users listing. All Employees who need access to the Schedule, including Managers, must have these records linked.

Note: Only Users with the Full Access Primary Security Role or the User Setup Secondary Security Role will have the ability to manage other User records. Individual Users will be able to perform limited updates on their personal User account. If there are necessary changes needed to a User account, please contact the Accounting Team within your Organization for all User Setup requests.

General Tab

The 'General' tab is where the User Name, User Login and User Email are entered. Terminated Users can also be deactivated on this tab.

1) Full Name - The Full Name of the User

2) User Login - The Login ID for the User

  • Note: This value is case-sensitive

3) Login Password - The Login Password for the User 

4) Default Location - The Default Location of the User. This is the Location that the User works at most regularly. This value will also set the Default Location for the Manager Daily Comment as well as other Manager functions throughout the system

  • Note: The Locations listed in this drop-down selector include the Locations assigned on the 'Locations' tab

5) Mobile Phone - The Mobile Phone number of the User

  • Note: Ensure that this is entered in the following format: XXXXXXXXXX

6) User Email - The User Email Address. This is used for Password reset purposes as well as other email functions throughout the system

7) Inactive checkbox - In the event that a team member leaves your organization after being recorded in R365, the User record cannot be deleted but rather flagged as 'Inactive' by checking this checkbox. Once checked, the User's Security Roles will be removed to ensure that the User is unable to log in to the system

  • Note: If a User was marked as active again, Security Roles would need to be added back to the User record to enable the User access to the system

8) Send Temporary Password - This button will appear once the record is initially saved in R365. When clicked, this will send a temporary password to the User  

9) Linked to - This field will display the Employee that is linked to this User record. If this field has an entry, the field will be read-only and link out to the corresponding Employee record. If this field is blank, it will display a drop-down arrow with a listing of all unlinked Employee records to choose from. Once an Employee record is selected for this field and the record is saved, this update cannot be undone

  • Note: When an Employee record is selected for this field, the following fields will be updated:
    • The Employee Name will be updated to the User Name
    • The User Locations will be updated to the Employee Locations
    • The User default Location will be updated to the Employee default Location

User Roles

The 'User Roles' tab is where Security and Report Roles can be added or removed for the User. To add a Security Role to the User, begin typing the name of the Security Role or click the drop-down to select the Security Role from the existing list. A User who needs full access to the system and all of its functions should have 'Full Access' toggled. Click here for more information on User Setup and Security.

  • Note: A User must have at least one Primary Security Role added to their User record in order for them to be able to log in. Click here to view R365's Primary Security Roles.

Similarly, a User should type in the name of the Report Role or click the drop-down to select the correct Report Role. A User who needs full access to all reports should have 'All Reports' toggled. View more information on setting up Report Roles here. 


The 'Locations' tab is where User Location access is managed. Users can choose one of the following options for this User's Location access. It is important to note that the User's default Location cannot be removed or have its Legal Entity or Location Reporting Entity removed from the Location's grid.

1) All Locations - This gives the User access to all existing and future Locations

2) Specific Locations - This gives the User access to only the Locations that are added to the Locations grid. Users can complete the following actions from the grid:

  • Add Locations - Type in the name of the Location in the Location selector or click the drop-down arrow to select the Location from the list of existing Locations and then click 'Add'
  • Remove Locations - Click the trash can icon listed next to the Location in the grid

3) By Legal Entity - This gives the User access to all existing and future Locations assigned to the chosen Legal Entity. Users can complete the following actions from the grid:

  • Add Locations - Type in the name of the Legal Entity in the Legal Entity selector or click the drop-down arrow to select the Legal Entity from the list of existing Legal Entities and then click 'Add'
  • Remove Locations - Click the trash can icon listed next to the Legal Entity in the grid

4) By Location Reporting Category - This gives the User access to all of the Locations assigned to the Child Location Reporting Categories chosen from the listed Parent Location Reporting Category fields. As new Locations are added to the selected Child Location Reporting Categories, the User will gain access to those Locations as well

Email Settings

The 'Email Settings' tab contains the Outgoing Mail settings for the User's email address (located on the 'General' Tab). Providing Restaurant365 with the Outgoing Email settings for the User will enable the User Account to email various records and transaction links directly from within Restaurant365. Click here for the Email Settings Overview and here for a list of Common Webmail Provider SMTP Settings.

  • Note: If an Organization prefers not to enter their personal login credentials for sending Outgoing Mail, click here to learn how to send Outbound Emails using an R365 email address

1) Email Password - The Email Account Password for the Email Address specified on the General tab of the User Record

2) Email Outgoing Mail Server - The Outgoing (SMTP) Mail Server for the Email Address specified on the General tab of the User Record

3) Email Port - The SMTP Port for the Email Address specified on the General tab of the User Record

4) Email SSL Checkbox - Check the box to signify 'Yes' for Email SMTP services that require SSL/TLS