The majority of records that reside in Restaurant365 can be updated via the Import Tool. When performing bulk updates, the Import Tool typically references a record based of the 'Name' value on the record. When making updates to Employee records, the 'EmployeeId' value is the key mapping value, as opposed to the 'Name' value.

It is common for Employees to work at multiple Locations, and therefor have multiple/duplicate Employee records imported from multiple POS systems. These records must be merged in to a single master record for correct employee identification throughout R365.

Employee Merge and Employee Updates are two separate tasks that use different Options on the Import Tool.

Employee App Access Lookup

Before beginning a merge of Employee records, ensure to look up all of the Employee records for that Employee and find the record that has 'App Access'. The other Employee records should then be merged into this record.

  • Note: If the other Employee records are not merged into the record with 'App Access', the link between the User record and the Employee record will be broken.

Employee Merge

Merging can be performed manually, one record at a time, or via template and the Import Tool.


Open the Employee Record that will be merged in to a different record. Hover over the 'Save' menu and select 'Merge'.


The 'Merge into Selected Employee' prompt will load. Locate and select the destination Employee record and then click 'Merge'. The current record will be merged in to the destination record.

  • Note: information located on the General tab in the Origin record will not be transferred to the Destination record.  If there is any information on the General tab that needs to be transferred, perform the manual transfer prior to merging the records

Via Import

Export the Employee List to an Excel file.  Open the file and locate the 'EmployeeId' column for each Employee record that will be merged via Import.  Open the Import Tool and Select 'Employee Merge', and 'Create New'

Click 'Download Template' to download the Employee Merge template.

Populate the 'Old' column with the Origin 'EmployeeId' and the 'Merge Into Employee' column with the Destination 'EmployeeId'.

Save the template as a CSV then upload in to the Import Tool and proceed through the Import Tool steps to complete the Bulk Employee Merge.