Restaurant365 comes with an import tool which allows end Users to import many types of records, such as Vendors, GL Accounts, Items, Beginning Balances, Recipes, Item Locations, Vendor Items, etc. These imports can create new records or update existing records.

Create an Import

To access the import tool, navigate to the 'Administration' menu in the top ribbon and select 'Import'.

Upload File Step

This step is where you choose the record you'll be importing, whether it will create or update records, and then select your file to import. The fields are described below:

1) Options - A list of different record types to import (Vendor, Purchased Item, etc)

2) Type - Select if the import will create new records or update existing records in the system

3) Upload File ButtonAllows you to browse and select the file you wish to import. This isn't active until you've selected Option and Type

4) Download Template Button - This will download the Restaurant365 recommended template in a csv file for the record and type you selected.  You can either open and edit this template in Excel or make your own template in Excel using an exported list (for updates) that you obtain from a list view in the system.  If you do not have a template, it is recommended to click this button to obtain a template with the correct column headers when creating new records. This button is not active until you've selected Option and Type

  • Note: The file uploaded must be a csv file.  If you create your template in Excel, be sure to choose 'Save As' and select .csv when saving

5) Next Button - This will allow you to move on to the next step after completing all of the fields

Map Fields Step

1) Search - You can search for a specific map field instead of scrolling through the list.  In this search box, type the first few letters of the field you're looking for and the list of fields will be filtered to only the fields that match what you type

2) Save Mapping Button - You can save a mapping that you typically use and then select it on future imports so you don't have to re-map each time.  Pressing this button will open a window where you can specify a name for this mapping and the press 'Save'

3) Choose a Saved Mapping Box - This allows you to select from a past saved mapping

4) Next Button - This will allow you to move on to the next step after completing all of the fields

Import Step

In this step, the User presses the 'Import' button and receives an alert depending on the outcome of the import:


If successful, a message will popup to alert the User that the 'File Imported Successfully' along with hyperlinks to the files just imported / updated. To review the information imported, click the blue hyperlink text to open the created records in new tabs.

Partial Success (some lines imported, others failed)

If some of the lines imported, but not all, a popup will alert the User that the 'File Imported with *Import Type* Corrections Needed'. The User can click through the hyperlinks to the successfully imported line items. An additional notice appears above the successfully imported items stating the number of corrections needed along with a hyperlink to download a .csv file with the corrections noted. 

The User can click on this link to download the .csv file, open it in Excel and make any necessary corrections. The User would then need to save it as a .csv file, and then starting the Import process again using the corrected file.


If the import failed completely, the popup will alert the User that 'No Records Imported' and will provide a Corrections List. If no Corrections List is provided, this likely means there was an error with the file / file type or an error with the mapping. The User can click on this link to download the .csv file, open it in Excel and make any necessary corrections. The User would then need to save it as a .csv file, and then starting the Import process again using the corrected file.

Correction File

The Correction List file is the same file you uploaded, but now contains a new column on the far right titled 'Problem'.  The values in this column describe the corresponding lines' error. Notice in the example below the Default Expense Account named 'Test Account' didn't exist in our GL (or there was a spelling error) so the Problem value is 'Missing:Account'.

The Import tool will provide many different errors/problems depending on the issues with your import file.  Many of them will be due to the spelling, spacing or punctuation in the names you identify in your import template.