Setting up Users and managing security is found in a few windows under the Administration section as well as within the R365 Setup Assistant.  Only Users assigned the User Setup Security Role will be able to view and access these screens.  

The R365 Administrator in your organization should have been assigned this role during their initial implementation of R365. If no Users in your organization have this role, please contact R365 Support.

Security Roles

You will generally start by assigning the User a Primary Role and then you can assign them other Primary Roles as well as Secondary Roles. A Primary Role is the main role of the User and generally drives which parts of the system a User can access. Secondary Roles provide more specific access to individual features.

Click here for a full description of available User Security Roles.

Create New User 

Hover over 'Administration' in the top ribbon and then the 'Users & Security' sub-menu and click 'New User'.

In a new window, a New User form will appear where you will enter in User specific information, including User login and password, Location, and User Roles, in the four tabs displayed. A User must be assigned a Primary User Role and User Location(s) to login correctly. Click here to walk through the tabs on the User record.

  • Note: If this User wants emails sent out of R365, fill in the Email Settings tab.

When finished, click 'Save and Close'.

  • Note: Partner Channel Users will have a different User record.

Edit Existing User

Access the 'User' List by navigating to the left navigation and clicking 'Users' under 'Administration' in the 'Operations' module. A listing of all User records will appear. Find and double-click the User record that you would like to edit.

Change the desired fields and click 'Save'. Two possible changes:

1) Deactivate a User - In the event that a team member leaves your organization after that User has recorded activity in R365, you will not be able to Delete the User but rather flag him/her as 'Inactive' by checking this checkbox. This will not allow the User to log in to the system

  • Note: In addition to marking a User as 'Inactive', it is also advisable to change that User's password to restrict access upon termination

2) Change User Password - To change the User password, edit the Login password or click 'Send Temporary Password'. This will cause the User to create a new password the next time he/she logs in

Assign User Locations

There are two methods for assigning Locations to Users: Mass Assignment and Individual Assignment. Mass Assignment is done on the User Locations screen where you can access all Users in one place. Individual Assignment is done from the User form where you can manage Locations for that specific User.

Mass Assignment

Hover over 'Administration' on the top ribbon, then the 'Users & Security' sub-menu and click 'User Locations' to open the User Locations form. A listing of all Users will appear, where you will select the Users that will need Locations assigned to them. The Location assignments will save automatically as you make them.

1) All Locations - If this User should have access to All Locations (currently in the system as well as any locations added in the future), then check the box for 'All Locations' at the end of their User Name row

2) Select Location(s) -  If this User should only have access to specific Locations, then choose the Location in the 'Select Location' drop-down next to the User list and click 'Add To User'. Repeat for each Location the User should have access to

Individual Assignment

Access the 'User' List by navigating to the left navigation and clicking 'Users' under 'Administration' in the 'Operations' Module. A listing of all User records will appear. Find and double-click the User record that you would like to edit. When the User record opens, click the 'Locations' tab.

Find the Locations that you want to add to the User record by using the 'Select Location' drop-down menu just above the Locations grid and selecting a Location. Click the 'Add' button and this Location will be added to the User record. Continue this process for each Location until all Locations are selected that the User should have access to.

  • Note: To remove a Location from the grid, click the trash can icon at the end of the row.

When finished, save the User record.

Assign User Security Roles

There are two methods for assigning roles to Users: Mass Assignment and Individual Assignment. Mass Assignment allows a System Administrator to assign or update multiple User roles at one time while Individual Assignment targets a small number of system Users individually. 

Mass Assignment

Users can be mass-assigned security roles via 'Setup Assistant' or 'User Roles' in the 'Administration' menu. 

Setup Assistant

Once 'Setup Assistant' opens, navigate to 'User Security Roles' from the 'Users & Security' sub-menu to view an alphabetical listing of all Users. Above this listing, click the 'Export Template' button to download a listing of Users and their current User roles.

Open the template and update the User roles by either adding or deleting row information. Save the file as a .csv and then click 'Import' to update all current User records.

User Roles

Navigate to 'User Roles' by hovering over 'Administration' in the top ribbon and then the 'Users & Security' sub-menu. Once opened, select the User you want to set roles for in the 'User' list. Above the Roles grid, click and select the desired role and click 'Add'. Repeat this for each additional role and then for each User as needed.

When finished, click 'Save'.

Individual Assignment

Users can be individually assigned User roles via Setup Assistant or the User record.

Setup Assistant

Navigate to 'Setup Assistant' via the 'Administration' menu in the top ribbon. When it opens, navigate to 'User Security Roles' from the 'Users & Security' sub-menu to view an alphabetical listing of all Users. Click the desired User to open his/her User Role details.

A pop-up window will open with two listings: the roles that are not assigned to the User and the roles that are assigned to the User. Scroll down the 'Roles NOT assigned to user' listing and click the desired User role. Once clicked, the role will be removed from this column and appear in the 'Roles assigned to user' column. If a User no longer needs a certain security role, simply click the role listed in the 'Roles assigned to user' listing and it will shift to the opposite column.

Updated roles will be saved automatically. When finished, click 'Close' and continue accordingly with each necessary User.

User Record

Access the 'User' List by navigating to the left navigation and clicking 'Users' under 'Administration' in the 'Operations' Module. A listing of all User records will appear. Find and double-click the User record that you would like to edit. When the User record opens, click the 'User Roles' tab.

Use the 'Security Role' drop-down menu above the User Role grid to choose a role. Click 'Add', and this role will be added to the User record. Repeat this for each role the User should have access to.

  • Note: To remove a Location from the grid, click the trash can icon at the end of the row.

When finished, click 'Save'.