Purchased Items, along with Recipe Items and Sales Items, make up your Inventory in R365.  Extra care should be paid when creating these various Inventory Items as they will have a lasting financial impact through the Stock Count and Menu Item to Recipe Assignments.  The R365 Ops Team is available to work with you as you setup your initial Inventory Database in R365.

We recommend that you create an individual Item Record for each Inventory Item you use in your Restaurants.  Items may include Ingredients, Spices, Supplies, Paper, Packaging etc.  Once an Item has been created, it can be counted on Stock Counts, used as Ingredients in Recipes, and reported on in My Reports.

This article will detail each component of the Purchased Item record. Click here to learn more about Item Costing in R365 and how you can get the most out of this powerful feature in the R365 Operations Module.

Create a Purchased Item

Purchased Items can be created using the following methods in R365:
  • Manually - Hover over the 'Item' menu in the top ribbon, then the 'Setup' sub-menu and select 'New Purchased Item'

  • Copying from an existing Purchased Item - Use the 'Copy' option found on the 'Save' menu of an existing Purchased Item

  • Via the Import Tool - Items can be added to a template and imported into R365 in bulk

Save & Copy Options

As you work on your Purchased Item records, be sure to Save periodically to protect your data.  The three save options are the standard save options throughout R365.

In addition to saving, you can use the 'Copy' feature to create a duplicate of the existing Purchased Item record in a new tab. Copied Purchased Items will prepend '[COPY]' to the Purchased Item Name as shown above.

All relevant Purchased Item information will be copied over to the new record; however, the following information will not be copied:

  • Vendor Items
  • Recipes On
  • Item Locations
  • Transactions

General Tab

1) Name - Enter the Name for the Purchased Item as it will appear throughout R365. Purchased Item Names should be unique, but it is not required

2) Type - This value is read-only and cannot be modified. It identifies the Item as a Purchased Item

3) Measure Type - This will identify the manner in which this item is measured throughout the system (Vendor Items, Item Locations, Recipe, and Inventory  Transactions). Once set, Units of Measure can then be assigned. Ensure that the Measure Type is entered correctly because once the Item record is saved, the Measure Type will be locked and unchangeable. These types include:

  • Weight
  • Volume
  • Each
    • Note: To connect different Measure Types, you must set an equivalency since equivalencies will not be automatically created

4) Number (optional) - Enter a Number value for the Purchased Item. This value can be useful for filtering and sorting purposed in the 'Items' list. All alphanumeric characters are accepted in this field

5) Description - Enter a description for the Purchased Item. Similar to 'Number', this value is available on the 'Items' list

6) Active Checkbox - This box is checked by Default and indicates that this Purchased Item is Active in R365 and can be selected on AP Invoices, and counted on Stock Counts. When an Item is discontinued, uncheck this box to remove the Item from Item Selectors throughout R365

7) Actual as Theoretical Checkbox - Check this box to us the Actual Usage for this Item in place of the Theoretical Usage (via Recipes mapped to Menu Items) on the AvT Report

8) Commissary Item Checkbox - Check this box if this Purchased Item will also be available for ordering on a Commissary Order in the Commissary Module. When Checked, the 'Sales' tab will appear on the Purchased Item record. Click here for more information on how to setup Purchased Items as Commissary Items

9) Available in AR Invoice - Check this box if this Purchased Item will also be available as a Sales Item on the AR Invoice. When Checked, the 'Sales' tab will appear on the Purchased Item record. Click here for more information on how to setup Purchased Items as Sales Items

10) Catering Item Checkbox - Check this box if this Purchased Item will also be available for sale on Catering Menus in the Catering Module. When checked, the 'Catering' tab will appear on the Purchased Item record. Click here for more information on how to setup Purchased Items as Catering Items

11) Select Recipe Image Button - This button is not applicable to Purchased Items and is only used on Recipe Items

12) Upload File Button - Attach a file to the Purchased Item record using this button

Inventory Cost Tab


1) Item Category 1 - The Item Category 1 assigned to this item. Click here for more information on Item Categories

2) Item Category 2 - The Item Category 2 assigned to this item. Click here for more information on Item Categories

3) Item Category 3 - The Item Category 3 assigned to this item. Click here fore more information on Item Categories

4) Inventory U of M* - Select the Primary Reporting U of M for the Purchased Item.  Click here for more information on U of Ms

5) Inventory Cost - this field will contain the Cost associated with the Inventory U of M and will be updated based on the Cost Update Method set on the 'Purchasing' tab

6) Count U of M 2 - Set a secondary Count U of M for the Purchased Item.  Additional count units of measure allows you to count by multiple U of M during a Stock Count

7) Count U of M 3 - Set a tertiary Count U of M for the Purchased Item.  Additional count units of measure allows you to count by multiple U of M during a Stock Count

8) Key Items - This box should be checked if this is a key item in your inventory

9) Item Cost Graph - As this Purchased Item is purchased over time, this graph will display each the price at time of purchase in a running line

Purchasing Tab

1) Default Purchase U of M - This is the default Unit of Measure for this Purchased Item and will automatically appear each time the Item is selected. It represents the most common way the Item is received

2) Cost Update Method - The Inventory Cost value on the Inventory Cost tab is updated based on this setting. Options include:

  • Auto Update from Invoice - R365 will use the Item Cost on the last approved Invoice as the Inventory Cost
  • Auto Update Average Last 3 Invoices - R365 will average the Cost from the last 3 approved Invoices as the Inventory Cost
  • Manual - No Cost updates will be made by R365. The Inventory Cost value must be manually updated. This option is rarely used

3) Par Qty - Currently Informational Only

4) Brand - Currently Informational Only

5) Yield Percent - This value is currently a placeholder for future development for using Recipes and Reporting

U of M Equivalence Tab

Click here for more information on U of M Equivalencies.

Transactions Tab

This tab will contain each of the Transactions (AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, Stock Count etc.) where this Item has appeared.

Recipes On Tab

If this Item is included on a Recipe as an Ingredient, that Recipe will be listed here.  For your core ingredients, this list will be a quick look at all of the Recipes that depend on this Item.

Vendor Items Tab

This tab will contain a link to each of the Vendors Items that has been created for the Item. Depending on the Vendor, the Vendor Item can have it's own Purchase U of M and Split U of M. Vendor Items can also be marked as Primary in this tab so that Purchase Orders can be filtered and regulated based on the items marked as primary. This checkbox also exists on the Vendor Item Record.

Item Locations Tab

Item Locations exist to keep the Location Cost of an Item separate from the Location Cost of other Locations.  Click here for more information on Item Locations.

If you do not have Item Locations for this Purchased Item, once the Purchased Item record has been saved return to the 'Item Locations' tab and click the 'Create for All Locations' toggle to automatically create an Item Location for each Location in R365.  

  • Note: This will create Item Locations for every Location record. The system will then default to listing the average inventory cost across all Locations. Therefore, you will have to manually delete any Item Locations that you do not want to utilize.

Review this tab to see each of the Item Locations for the Item as well as their most up-to-date cost (per AP Invoice entry, or manual update of Item Locations).  

  • Note: If there is an outlier in the Item Location Pricing that appears to be out of line with the others, adjust this amount to reflect a more normal cost and save the changes made. Then, run the 'Update Recipe Costs' function to update the costing of this item.