When an Employee is marked as 'Inactive', they no longer have access to the system. It is highly recommended to never delete an Employee record but rather to mark them as 'Inactive' so that the Employee record is saved in R365 while restricting their access to the system.

Employees can be marked as 'Inactive' in bulk from the Employees listing or individually on their Employee record. It is important to note that these actions can easily be reversed if an Employee were to be rehired or return to work.

Employees Listing

Employees can be marked as 'Inactive' in bulk from the Employees listing. Navigate to the Employees listing by clicking 'Employees' under 'Labor' in the Operations module or under 'Scheduling' in the Scheduling module. 


Select the desired Employee(s) and then click the 'Edit Selected' menu located above the listing. From this menu, the User can either click 'Make Inactive' to take away their Employee access or 'Make Active' to allow the Employee(s) access to R365 again.

Employee Record

Employees can be individually marked as 'Inactive' via their Employee record. Navigate to the Employees listing and double-click the desired Employee name to open their Employee record.

The record will open to the 'General' tab where the 'Inactive' checkbox can be checked. Once checked, ensure to save the record. The Employee will then be unable to log into both the R365 Red App and your Organization's instance on a Web Browser. 

To activate the Employee, simply repeat these steps but ensure to deselect the 'Inactive' checkbox before saving the record.