The R365 Support Center is your one-stop for:

  • In-depth solution articles
  • Sharing best practices in our Community Forums
  • Managing open Support Tickets
  • Chatting with a Support Representative

Click here to view how to contact R365 Support.

Accessing the portal

To access the Support Center, hover over the help menu on any page in R365 and select 'Support Center'

To access the Support Center, hover over the help menu on any page in R365 and select 'Support Center' or click here.

You can also login to the Support Center by clicking 'Login' or create a Support Center login by clicking 'Signup'.

  • Note: If you login using Google or Facebook, make sure you update your profile by clicking 'edit profile'.

Search & Solution Articles

Use the Search bar to retrieve instant results from every:

  • Solution Article
  • Forum Post
  • FAQ

Solution Articles are best for when you want to gain a detailed understanding of how a feature works. Often these contain templates, screenshots, and links to additional articles, all of which are organized by topic. You'll also find a number of these solution articles linked at the bottom of each lesson in the R365 Academy.


Community Forums

Logged in Users can access the R365 Community Forums as well as manage their support tickets. If you are set up as a power-user, you'll also be able to view all the tickets created from within your organization.

If you want to receive instant email notifications when a forum has new activity, like an upcoming User Group, open the forum and click the 'Follow' button. The 'Follow' feature is especially useful in the event that there is a critical system-wide issue, so you can be notified as soon as it's resolved. When you are done following a Forum, repeat the process by clicking the 'Following' button to change it back to 'Follow'.

To the right of the Forums, you can view a list of 'Popular Topics' that have been recently active. Additionally, 'My Topics' will include all the Forums that you have contributed to. We'll be on the lookout to reward our top contributors, so please don't be shy.


Contacting Support

If you can't find the answers you need in our Support Center, you can contact our Support Team directly. To better meet your needs, our Support Reps are specialized for each area of functionality within R365. Support is typically staffed between 6 AM and 5 PM PST on weekdays, as well as limited weekend and holiday hours.

Create a Ticket

You can create a ticket by clicking 'New support Ticket' on the main page of the Support Center. To ensure a timely resolution, please provide the following:

  • Relevant Screenshots
  • Specific Examples
  • Links / URLs to the examples

These will help our team to troubleshoot your issue and pull in other specialists if needed.

When you create a ticket from within the Support Center, related articles will automatically appear after entering the ticket subject. Please take a moment to review these articles as they may provide you with an instant solution.

Our Goals

  • Resolve 85% of all tickets created within 1 business day
  • Respond to all new tickets within 1 business hour
    • Tickets that require the attention of a Development Engineer will usually take longer to resolve
  • Keep you informed

Tracking Your Tickets

You can review the status of your tickets by opening the 'Tickets' tab or clicking 'Check ticket status'. This list will contain every ticket you've ever created. The list can be filtered by status and sorted to show you the most recent activity.

Make sure to check for tickets with the status of 'Awaiting your reply' as these tickets require a response from you before they can be resolved.

Tickets can also be tracked via email. You'll receive an email notification each time there is an update to any of your tickets. You can respond directly to that email, or reply from within the Support Center, it's up to you!


Our Promise

We are committed to making your support experience as easy and painless as possible. Please take a moment to login and browse the great content we have put immense effort into creating. While you are there, we invite you to become involved in the Community Forums and share your knowledge with us as well! We look forward to being of service!