The User Preferences Screen enables a User to select a default Location to auto-populate the Location field in both the AP Invoice Entry and the GL Journal Entry. Setting default Locations for both can make the input of these entries faster and more efficient, allowing more time to complete higher priority tasks.

Set Default Location


Navigate to the User Preferences Screen by hovering over your username and and click 'User Preferences'. A new window will open that displays two Data Entry Defaults: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry and General Ledger Journal Entry.

1) Blank - The Location field will remain empty

2) Select Location - The User is able to choose any of the Locations available from the User record. If a Location is no longer accessible to a User, then the default will update to the 'Blank' option

3) Use the same location as the previous transaction - The Location displays the previous transaction Location only after the Location is filled in for the first entry and all entries are saved as either 'Save and New' or 'Approve and New'. Once a User does not save using one of these two options, the next invoice will reset the Location field for the proceeding invoices

4) Default from user record - The default value assigned on the User record is used

5) Default the detail grid location from the header location - When toggled on (green), the Location listed in that transaction's 'Details' grid will be the same as the Location in the header. Toggle this off (red) to leave the Location field in the 'Details' grid blank

After selecting Default Locations, click 'Save and Close'.