To customize the User Experience, Organizations can set the color theme of the system. The system comes with various saved color theme options to select from and new custom themes can also be created by the User.

Access Theme Builder

The theme builder is available in the top ribbon under 'Administration' for Users who have the User Setup security role. Setting a color theme as default will change the theme for all users in your organization--not just the user who makes the change.

Using Theme Builder

The theme builder window will be displayed near the top right hand side of the application with many color fields available to set.


1) Ribbon - These color selectors will set the color settings for the top ribbon in the system, including the background, drop-down menu, hovering, and font colors, among others

2) Ribbon Logo - This upload button enables a User to import a logo or design that is representative of his/her company. This will replace the 'Restaurant365' logo in the top left corner of all screens

3) Left Panel - These color selectors control the coloring of the left-hand navigation pane

4) Components - These color selectors control the color of many components in the system, such as tabs, buttons, and other controls on various screens 

5) Saved Themes Drop-Down - A saved list of themes to choose from, which includes themes that come with the system and custom themes your organization creates

6) Add New Theme Box - The field where you will type in the name of a custom theme

7) Set As Default - This button will set whichever theme is selected in the drop-down as the color theme for all Users in your organization

8) Save - This button will save any changes you have made to a saved theme

  • Note: The themes that come with the system cannot be modified and saved

9) Delete - This button allows you to remove a custom saved theme

  • Note: The themes that come with the system cannot be deleted

10) New - This button is used to save a new theme after typing in the new name

It is important to note that colors in lists, such as the 'All Transactions' or 'Vendor's list, are currently not controlled by theme builder.