The Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details Report runs the numbers for every Employee's labor punches in a chosen period of time. With this report, a User is able to understand the variance of labor more in regards to the actual punch details rather than simply the  breakdown of hourly labor.


To navigate to the Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details Report, click 'My Reports' in the Operations Module and select 'Labor' in the top header. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.

Report Parameters

1) Filter By - A listing of all Location categories

2) Filter - A listing of all Locations associated with the selected Location category

3) Start - The beginning date for the report 

4) End - The end date for the report 

5) Hide Job - This option will either show or hide jobs at the selected Locations

6) Employee - A listing of all Employees. This will list Employees alphabetically by first name

7) Job Code - A listing of all job titles

8) Report Format - This option will either show a detailed or summary version of the report as soon as it opens. If the report is ran as 'Collapsed', rows can be expanded to see more details

9) Run Button - Runs the report

Report Columns

1) Location - The name of the Location

2) Actual Hrs - The actual number of hours worked totaled by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day

3) Sched Hrs - The scheduled number of hours totaled by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day 

4) Var Hrs - The difference between Actual Hours and Scheduled Hours by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day 

5) Var Hrs (%) - The percentage of the Variance against the Scheduled Hours (Variance / Scheduled Hours) by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day 

6) OT Hours - The amount of over time hours by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day

7) Actual $ - The Actual Cost of Labor by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day

8) Sched $ - The Scheduled Cost of Labor by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day

9) Var $ - The difference between the Actual Cost of Labor and the Scheduled Cost of Labor by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day 

10) Var $ (%) - The percentage of the Variance against the Scheduled Cost of Labor (Var $ / Sched $) by Location, Job Title, and Employee per day

11) Labor % - The percentage of Actual Labor Cost divided by the Total Sales

12) % Goal - The Labor Percentage Goal for that Location 

13) Var - The difference between the Labor % and the % Goal 

14) Sales - The amount of Sales for the selected date range per Location 

15) Fore Sales - The amount of Forecasted Sales for the selected date range per Location 

16) Job Titles - Job Titles of the Employees who worked in the date range selected in the parameters. Employees are listed out underneath each Job Title per day that the worked during the selected date range 

17) Date - The actual date connected to the Employee Punch Details

18) Act Hrs - The number of hours that the Employee worked

19) Sched Hrs - The number of hours the employee was scheduled to work

20) Var Hrs - The difference between the Actual Hours and the Scheduled Hours

21) Var Hrs (%) - The Var Hrs divided by the Scheduled Hours

22) OT Hrs - The amount of over time hours by Employee for each day they worked

23) Actual $ - The Actual Cost of Labor by Employee per day

24) Sched $ - The Scheduled Cost of Labor by Employee per day. If this space is empty, the employee wasn't scheduled to work

25) Var $ - The difference between the Actual Cost of Labor and the Scheduled Cost of Labor by Employee per day. If this space is empty, the employee wasn't scheduled to work 

26) Var $ (%) - The percentage of the Variance against the Scheduled Cost of Labor (Var $ / Sched $) by Employee per day

27) Labor % - The percent of Labor, based on Sales

28) Sched Start - The time that the Employee was scheduled to clock in. If this space is empty, the employee wasn't scheduled to work

29) Act Start - The Punch Time when the Employee clocked in

30) Sched End - The time that the Employee was scheduled to clock out. If this space is empty, the employee wasn't scheduled to work

31) Act End - The Punch Time when the Employee clocked out