The F9 Segment Descriptions Report is a resourceful tool for F9 Customers who want to transfer data into F9 for further Financial Reporting. GL Account, Legal Entity, and Location information is included in this report.

Due to the required data file, this report is ran without the need of setting specific report parameters and includes the information necessary for a direct import into F9. 


To navigate to the F9 Segment Descriptions Report, click 'My Reports' in the Operations Module and select 'Labor' in the top header. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'F9 Segment Descriptions and select 'Run' at the end of the report.

Report Parameters

This report does not have any available parameters because it is already set in the system to run in the desired format. Therefore, a User can either click the 'Run' button next to the report name or click 'Customize' and then 'Run' in the next window to run the report.

Report Columns

1) Segment Number - The coding of the individual account. There are three segment numbers used in the system:

  • 1 = GL Account
  • 2 = Legal Entity
  • 3 = Location
  • 4 = DayPart
  • 5 - Revenue Center
  • 6 = Order Mode

2) Segment Value - The segment code used for each account. This is the GL Account number used in R365

3) Segment Description - The description associated with the segment value. Often times, this will include the name of the GL Account