This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training.  Click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer

The R365 Financial Report Writer allows Users with both the Financial Report Builder and the Financial Report Viewer roles to run Custom Financial Reports in the format and structure needed. This article will explain how to view the list of Custom Financial Reports, set Report parameters, and run Reports.

Custom Financial Reports Lists

Navigate to the 'Custom Financial Reports' list.  If you have the ability to build and modify Templates, you'll see both Templates and Reports on this screen.  Users with the 'Financial Report Viewer' role will only see their accessible Reports and will not need to select the Reports tab.

By default, the 'Reports' list will be selected upon page load.  

For Report Builders, understanding the distinction between Templates and Reports is essential for your success in using your Custom Financial Reports. Similar to the Report and Report Views relationship that exists in 'My Reports', each 'Template' will also have an associated 'Report'.  In this relationship, you can think of the 'Reports' as saved views of the Template.  

Each Template can have many Reports, while each Report can only belong to a single Template, as shown below:

Security Considerations

The R365 Financial Report Writer includes several 'Default' Templates and Reports.  You can recognize a Default record by the box next to the Report / Template title. These records cannot be modified by any User.  

Users with the 'Financial Report Builder' security role have the ability to create copies of Default Templates and Reports.  Additionally, they can Create, Modify, Save and Delete Non-Default Templates. Click here for more information on Creating Reports.

Users with the 'Financial Report Viewer' security role, will not have the ability to Create New Reports or Templates.  However, they will be able to Modify and Save Non-Default Reports.  This means that they can set the Organization Units, Filters, Settings and Time Frame on any Custom Report and save those settings for repeated use.  This functionality will be described in the 'Saving Reports' section below.

Tabs, Quick Filters, Search & Favorites

Both the 'Reports' and 'Templates' tabs contain similar buttons that provide quick search functionality so you can find the correct report right away.

1) Templates / Reports Tab Selector - Toggle this selector to switch from the list of Reports to the list of Templates.  Note: this tab selector will only be available to Users with Build capabilities.

2) Search - Search for Reports or Templates by Name in this field

3) Quick Filters - Click each quick filter to view all Reports or Templates in each Category

4) Favorites Section - Once you have Favorited a Report or Template, the 'Favorites' section will appear where each Report / Template that has been Favorited will be listed

5) All Reports / Templates List - The Reports / Templates that are included in the selected Template Category / Search Results will be displayed in this list

6) Report / Template Name - The Name of the Report / Template

7) Quick Parameters - Expand the arrow to set the Quick Parameters on the Report and run it using the Run button (#8)

8) Run Button - Click this button to run the Report without modifying the Report Parameters, export the report to your computer, or email the report to another User

9) Favorite - Click the Favorite Star icon to mark a Report / Template as a Favorite.  Favorited Reports / Template will be listed in the 'Favorites' section (#4)


Reports List

This list contains all of the Reports that have been created in your organization that you have the proper security & Location access to view and run.  Note: If there is a Report that another member of your Team can see and run, but it is not available to you, please reach out to the R365 Administrator in your organization to ensure that you have the proper Report Role (P&L Cutoff) or Location Access to run the Report.

Click on a Report to select it and view/perform the following: 

1) Source Template

2) Set the Organization Units

3) Add any additional Filters

4) Update the Report Settings

5) Set the Time Frame of the Report

6) Run the Report

Each of these actions will be explained in the 'Running Reports' section below 

Templates List

The Templates list is useful for quickly identifying all of the Reports that belong to a specific Template.  Simply click the Template to select it, then the corresponding Reports will be listed in the Reports Pane to the right, as shown above.

Organization Units and the Report Viewer

When you run Reports in the R365 Financial Report Writer, you have the ability to run individual, detailed reports for each 'Organization Unit'.  Unlike the filters that exist in 'My Reports' where you select which data to include in the Report, when you select an 'Organization Unit' you are selecting to run a report for the selected unit.  

This means that if you check the 'All' checkbox, as well as the 'West' and 'Location 100' check boxes, a total of 3 individual reports will be generated when you click 'Run', as shown below:

As you click through each report in the Report Viewer (on the left) you'll notice the 'Org Unit' value update to reflect the different Report you are now viewing.  Refer to the 'Report Viewer' section below for more information on using the Report Viewer.

Running Reports

Users with Access to the Custom Financial Reports list can run each Default Report they have Report Role and Location Access to run.  In addition to the Default Reports, the Administrator in your organization can build Custom Templates and Reports.  These can be built by using the Default Reports as a starting point, or they can be built from scratch.  Any Non-Default Report will be listed without thebox next to the title, as shown below:

If the Report is already setup perfectly and you don't need to modify any Parameters or Settings, you can use the Quick Parameters and Run button to run the report from the Reports list by clicking 'Run':

The Report Viewer will open in a new tab.  See the 'Report Viewer' section below for more information

To customize the Report before running, you'll need to click on the Report title to select it, then make your setting adjustments in the Parameters Pane to the right of the window.

Organization Units

The Organization Units section allows you to select which individual reports will be ran when you click the 'Run' button.  


The Filters section allows you to select which data will be included within the Reports that are generated (set in the 'Organization Units' section).  Note: the options that will be available in the 'Filters' section are the Location Reporting Categories that were not included as part of the Organization Structure.


1) Page Orientation - Set how the Reports will be oriented when printed to PDF

2) Show Unapproved Transactions - Choose to display Unapproved Transactions in the Report

3) Calendar - Select which Calendar will be used when running the Report.  Click here for more information on Fiscal Calendars

4) Hide $0 Balances - Select whether to display Accounts that have a $0 balance for the selected Time Frame (As Of / Date Range)

5) Negative as Red - Select whether to display negative values in red text

6) Account View - Select whether to display Account Name or Account Number followed by Account Name

7) Include Stat Accounts - Select whether to display Stat Accounts in the report or not (Trial Balance only)

Time Frame (As Of / Date Range) / Cover Page

Depending on the Report you are running, you will either see an 'As Of' selector where you will choose the available Time Frame (Date, Week, Period etc.), or you will see a To and From selector where you will set the Date Range for the Report

If an optional Cover Page should be generated for the report (generally used for printing purposes) enter the title of the Cover Page as it will appear in this field.

Saving Reports

Non-Default Reports can be saved to update the Organization Units, Filters, and Settings that you have added to the Report.  This is essentially saving the view of the Report.  When a setting is altered, the 'Save' and 'Save & Run' buttons will become active.

Click 'Save' to Save the Report as is.  Click 'Save & Run' to Save the Report and run the Report.  Click 'Run' to run the Report without saving the settings

Report Viewer

When you click 'Run' or 'Save & Run', the Report Viewer will open in a new tab.  This page contains two main sections: the Organization Units, and Report.  

In the 'Organization Units' section, you'll be able to click to select each individual Report that was ran when you clicked 'Run'.  You can Collapse the 'Organization Units' section by clicking the arrow icon.

1) Zoom - Click the minus or plus buttons to increase or decrease the zoom of the Report Viewer

2) Email - Click the Email button to open the Email prompt where you can deliver this Report as an attachment to an email

  • The 'To' field allows you to search for Users in R365 (while excluding Employees) and can also be used to manually enter an email address of someone outside of your organization.  Note: you must press the 'Enter' key when typing in a manual email address.  You'll know it was entered in correctly when you see the email address listed above the 'To' field, as shown below.  Click the 'x' to remove a previously entered / selected email address
  • Use the 'All Organization Units' or 'Selected Organization Units' radio buttons to determine which Reports will be included as attachments
  • Reports can be attached as PDF files, or as Excel files
  • Any User can email a Report.  It is not required for the User to setup their Email Settings

3) Export - Click the Export button to open 

  • Use the 'All Organization Units' or 'Selected Organization Units' radio buttons to determine which Reports will be exported
  • Reports can be exported as PDF files, or as Excel files
    • Note: When exporting as 'Excel', if the 'Include GL Detail Links' is checked, this file should only be used for your personal use.  Do not distribute this file to other members of your organization

4) Print - Click to print the Report using the system print dialog.  Note: if the report needs to change the page orientation, click on the 'Settings' button and update the Page Orientation field before printing

5) Settings - Click to open the Settings for the Report and make any necessary adjustments.  From this prompt you can re-run the Reports by clicking 'Run'