Report Roles must be created and assigned to each User in order for that User to access individual Reports located in 'My Reports'. Alternatively, if all Users need access to all reports, this can be set on the User Record. 

Report Roles can be updated and/or deleted at any time from the Report Roles Setup screen. Users can also be granted access to create and manage Report Subscriptions via a Reporting Feature toggle on this screen. Once a role is created, the Report Role should be assigned to the corresponding User.

Navigate to Report Roles Setup


Hover over the 'Administration' menu in the Top Ribbon and then the 'Users & Security' sub-menu and select 'Report Roles Setup'. This will open the Report Role Setup screen. 

Report Role Setup Screen

This screen provides multiple options to ensure that your Users gain access to the necessary reports and reporting features.

1) Report Role Selector - A listing of all Report Roles created in the system that, when selected, will auto-populate the screen with the Report Role selections. If no Report Role is available or if a new Report Role needs to be created, click the 'Create' icon (#2) and follow the steps below

2) Create - When clicked, the User will be able to enter in a new Report Role name and then select the desired Report Roles and Reporting Functions. Learn more about creating a new Report Role below

3) Edit - When clicked, the User can rename the selected Report Role

4) Delete - When clicked, this will delete the selected Report Role

5) Not Available to Report Role - This grid lists all available reports that are not assigned to the Report Role. To assign a report, click the report row in this grid. It will then be removed and added to the 'Available to Report Role' (#6) grid

6) Available to Report Role - This grid lists all reports that are assigned to the Report Role. To remove a report, simply click the report row in this grid. It will then be removed and return back to the 'Not Available to Report Role' (#5) grid

7) P&L Cutoff - This toggle bar enables the User to set a specific Location cutoff on all variations of the P&L report, which will hide the account balances for Controllable or Prime Cost GL Types, if selected. If Users with this Report Role will have access to the P&L report, select one of the following options:

  • Full - The User can view the full P&L report with all GL Accounts that reside on that report, including all relevant GL Types

  • Controllable - The User can view the P&L report up to and including all GL Accounts with the 'Operating Expense' GL Type

  • Prime Cost - The User can view the P&L report up to and including all GL Accounts with the 'Prime Cost' GL Type

8) Create Report Subscription - When toggled on, this will provide all Users with this Report Role access to creating and managing Report Subscriptions

Any updates made to a Report Role will be automatically saved as they are entered.

Create a Report Role

Click the 'Create' icon next to the Report Role selector to create a new Report Role.

Enter the Report Role Name in the 'New Report Role' prompt and then click  to create the role and view the Report Picker.


Two grids will appear: 'Not Available to Report Role' and 'Available to Report Role'. Each grid has a 'Name' and a 'Category' column. Each column also contains a filter that be used to filter by category or name for a specific report.

Assign Reports

Reports can be assigned to a Report Role by clicking their name in the 'Not Available to Report Role' grid. This will remove the report from this grid and add it to the 'Available to Report Role' grid.

Any updates made to a Report Role will be automatically saved as they are entered.

Remove Reports

Reports can be removed in a similar way as assigning reports, but in reverse. Simply click the desired report(s) from the 'Available to Report Role' grid to unassign them and return them to the 'Not Available to Report Role' grid.

Any updates made to a Report Role will be automatically saved as they are entered.

Enable Reporting Features

The additional options of 'P&L Cutoff' and 'Create Report Subscription' can be updated just above the 'Available to Report Role' grid. Review the details about these two features in the Report Role Setup screen section above.


Unlike Transactions records, the Report Role Screen is continually saving each change that is made to a selected Report Role. Therefore, there is no save option or menu.


Select a Report Role in the Report Role Selector, and make any Report changes.  Changes are Saved automatically.

Report Role Names can be updated by selecting the Report Role, then clicking the 'Rename Report Role' button and updating the Report Role name in the Report Role Name prompt.


Select a Report Role in the Report Role Selector, then click the 'Delete Report Role' button

Once Report Roles have been setup, the Report Role must be assigned on the User Record.  Click here for more information on Assigning Report Roles.