As a Financial Report Builder, assigning Reports to certain Users enables more security and confidentiality around the reports and templates that are created. 

Users with the Full Access, User Setup, or the Financial Report Builder Security Role will be able to manage User access to Custom Financial Reports through the following portals:

  1.  Financial Report Viewer
  2.  Report Role Setup

The screen above will be displayed when a User with the Viewer role does not have access to any reports. If you login and view this screen, contact your organization's System Administrator and direct him/her towards the steps below to grant you access to all necessary reports.

Financial Report Viewer

User access can be granted as soon as a custom report is created or edited after its creation by navigating to the 'Viewer Access' field in the top right-hand corner above the report's 'Organization Units'.

The 'Viewer Access' drop-down list displays all of the Report Roles that can be selected or deselected from viewing this report. 

  • Note: Only Users who have both Secondary User Roles of Financial Report Builder and User Setup will be able to access this drop-down listing.

Report Role Setup

Report Roles can be created / edited through 'Report Role Setup' in the 'Users & Security' sub-menu under 'Administration' in the top ribbon.

When the Report Role Setup window opens, select the desired Report Role, and the reports within R365 will appear in the grid below, including Custom Financial Reports. Scroll down to the necessary reports and click them to add them to the Available Reports grid on the right-hand side of the screen. A sub-section will appear labeled 'When Combined with Financial Report Viewer' to display the reports a User with this Security and Report Roles would have access to in the system. 

To remove a report, navigate to the Available Reports grid and click the report. This will remove the report from the grid and disable User access to that report.