The Purchase Order Module in R365 allows Store and Operations Managers to order Purchased Items from any Vendor in the database.  There is a Suggestive Quantity aspect to ordering that will suggest the amount of each product to order based on a 'Usage per $1000 in Sales' model.  Templates can be setup on a schedule to auto-populate in the system when it’s time for the order to be placed.  Additionally, the R365 Purchasing Assistant helps to walk you through each Purchase Order that is due today.  Once the product comes in from the Vendor, POs can be converted to AP Invoices or matched to integrated invoices.  To activate the Purchase Order Module, please contact R365 Support.

To get started with Purchase Orders, please proceed with the following steps:

  1. Contact R365 Support to enable Purchasing Orders (if it is not already enabled)
  2. Set User Security Access
    • Users with 'Full Access' and Accounting Managers will have full access to the PO Module once it’s activated
    • Restaurant Managers can access the PO Module for data entry, but cannot Submit a PO by default
      • The secondary security role 'Submit Purchase Order' will grant the ability for a Restaurant Manager to Submit (email) Orders directly to Vendors
  3. Setup (or review) your Vendor Items.  A Vendor Item must exist for all Items/Vendors that will be ordered via Purchase Orders
  4. Setup Item Locations for all Items/Locations that will be ordered via Purchase Orders
    • Note: Item Locations are required to use the Purchase Order feature and for the PO Suggestions to function
  5. Add email addresses to Vendor Records
  6. Ensure that Outbound Email Settings have been properly setup on each User that will Submit POs
  7. Create Purchase Order Templates, and set them to a schedule to fully utilize the Purchasing Assistant functionality


Purchase Orders are accessible in two separate places in R365.

1.  The 'Operations' Module - included in the 'Purchasing' sub-section you will find the two new Purchase Orders lists: 'Purchase Orders' and 'Memorized Purchase Orders'

2.  The 'Purchasing' sub-menu - under the 'Vendor menu in the top ribbon

Purchase Order Status

There are 3 statuses of Purchase Orders in the Purchase Order list view:

  1. Open – This Purchase Order has not been submitted and needs to be reviewed and submitted.  POs in the Open Status can be deleted
  2. Submitted – This PO has been sent to the Vendor via email and is waiting to be invoiced.  POs in the Submitted status cannot be deleted
  3. Invoiced – This PO has been turned into a saved invoice and is “locked” – it cannot be deleted in this state and can only be reverted into a submitted invoice status if the attached Invoice is deleted. These Purchase Orders (and the corresponding invoice) will show a hyper-link to its counterpart.

Form Updates

Other screens in the software that have been modified to accommodate Purchase Orders include the Vendor Setup and Item Locations.

Vendor Setup – the email address on the General tab can be used if all Locations share a single Vendor Rep.  If Locations have different Reps (Op Cos) the Location Tab on the Vendor Record will allow for Location Separation of emails.

Item Location – three additional fields have been added to the Item Location record:

  • Usage Per $1000 (calculated nightly)
  • On Hand (calculated nightly)
  • Buffer Days (used to indicate extra days for thawing/marinating etc. to be added to the Purchase Order Suggestions)

Purchase Order Form

The Purchase Order Form is where users can create POs from scratch; suggest the quantity for each item; submit the PO to the vendor via email; and create memorized templates. Click here for training on the Purchase Order Form.

Memorized Purchase Orders

Memorized POs can be created with or without a corresponding schedule. The can then be used as templates in both the PO Form and the Purchasing Assistant. Click here for training on Memorized Purchase Orders.

Invoicing a Purchase Order

Submitted Purchase Orders can be turned into an AP Invoice or matched to an integrated Invoice (auto-imported). Click here for training on Invoicing Purchase Orders.

Purchasing Assistant: Purchase Orders

The Purchasing Assistant is a wizard-like approach to submitting all orders due today to all vendors in one convenient tool. Click here for training on the Purchasing Assistant: Purchase Orders.