This article is part of the Commissary Module documentation.  Click here for more information on the Commissary Module.

Your Commissary can manage all orders at the same time from the Mass Fulfillment screen.  This is the main window used by the Commissary.  Here they can view a list of orders based on filters they set such as a specific date range, for specific Locations, and for specific status' such as Open, Submitted, etc.  

From here they can print reports such as a consolidated production list and packing slips, and can also move orders along the workflow status' from Submitted - Shipped - Fulfilled, and can update quantity fulfilled on the items they weren't able to ship in full.

The 'Mass Fulfillment' screen is accessible from the 'Commissary' subsection in the Operations Module

General Workflow Steps


This screen has many functions and can be done a number of different ways, but the standard steps in the process are listed below.  Further down in the training are details about each of these steps.

  1. Review which orders have been submitted - Once cutoff time arrives of when orders should be submitted, view Open and Submitted orders for an upcoming delivery day or date range
  2. Cancel or submit open orders - Contact locations with Open orders to see if they meant to submit the order and help get it submitted or cancelled
  3. Lock submitted orders - Mark orders as locked so that locations can't continue making changes once the commissary has begun to fulfill them
  4. Print consolidated production list- Print the report to see the total quantity of items needed in order to fulfill all submitted orders and then make the goods
    • Note: If the Commissary Manager wants to print the consolidated production list, he/she would need to have all Locations added to their User
  5. Update status to Ship/Set Qty Fulfilled - Update the status meaning these orders are ready to be packed and shipped.  This moves the Qty Ordered to the Qty Fulfill field on the order
  6. Update Qty Fulfilled if needed - Before packing the order if you already know you'll be unable to fulfill some quantities, open the orders and update Qty Fulfill on those items
  7. Print packing slips, pack, and ship the orders - Packing slips can be printed to help when picking the items and packing the order and can be shipped with the order to the location
  8. Update Qty Fulfilled again if needed - During order packing, if some quantities were unable to be fulfilled, you should write that on the packing slip and then when finished, review all packing slips and update Qty Fulfilled in the system on items that weren't able to be fulfilled
  9. Fulfill all shipped orders- Once shipped, mark the orders as fulfilled which will record the sale for the commissary and the cost for the restaurants by creating a Fulfillment Transaction linked to the order
    • If a fulfillment list is sent to the location, this can be printed from this screen once the orders are marked fulfilled

Review Which Orders Have Been Submitted

Select the appropriate filters to determine which orders you'd like to see and then click the Get Orders button.  The available filters are:

  • Location - this defaults to all locations but you can select 1, many, or all locations as desired
  • Start and End Date - these determine the date range for which orders to show
  • Status - By default this will show Open, Submitted, Shipped, & Fulfilled orders, but you can select any status as desired

*Filters aren't applied until the Get Orders button is pressed.

Cancel or Submit Open Orders

When orders are in open status that means the location may still be filling it out, they've filled it out but forgot to click submit, or they don't want an order but didn't open it and press cancel.  Its often nice to follow up with the locations with open orders to be sure.  The order can be opened from the Mass Fulfillment window by double clicking the row or clicking the blue order #.  If the location has quantities to submit you can either tell them to do it themselves, or over the phone they can tell you the quantities and you can enter them on the order and then submit for them.

If the location has no orders to submit, you can cancel the order individually, or select a group of orders and then press Set Status - Cancel Order and all orders selected will be marked cancelled.

Lock Submitted Orders

Locking an order prevents locations from making changes to it.  Once the commissary has begun fulfilling the orders, its a good idea to lock them so you don't get any surprise updates.  Click the check box next to the orders you'd like to lock (or click the Select All check box at the top of the column) and then click the Lock button.

Orders can be manually unlocked if the location calls and says they need to make changes and this is allowed.  To unlock, open that order and uncheck the Locked check box on the form and then Save & Close.

Print Consolidated Production List

If you want a list of the total quantity ordered in a batch of orders to help decide how much product to make, click the rows of the orders you want included and then click Print - Consolidated Production.

Update Status to Ship/Set Qty Fulfilled

When the orders are ready to be packed and shipped, update the quantity fulfilled and the status by checking off the desired rows and then clicking Set Status - Ship/Set Qty Fulfilled.  This updates the status to Shipped and it puts the Qty Ordered in the Qty Fulfill field on each order.

Update Qty Fulfilled (if needed)

Before printing the packing slip and packing the order, if you know some order quantities won't be able to be fulfilled, you can open those orders and now and update those quantities and then Save & Close.

Print Packing Slips, Pack, and Ship the Orders

Print the packing slips by selecting the desired rows and then clicking Print - Packing Slips.  While packing the order, if you see some quantities cannot be fulfilled, its best to note those on the packing slips.  Packing slips are generally included with the packed orders and sent to the location.

Update Qty Fulfilled (again if needed)

If quantities were unable to be fulfilled during packing, review packing slips before shipping and update the Qty Fulfilled on the orders.  To do this, open the order by double clicking the row or clicking the blue Order # field and then update the appropriate Qty Fulfilled rows and then Save & Close.  If you'd like to reprint the packing slip now with the correct quantities to send with the order to the restaurant, do so that during this step.

Fulfill All Shipped Orders

Select the check box for each row that is ready to be fulfilled and then click Set Status - Fulfilled.  This creates a Fulfillment Transaction linked to the order which has the financial effect of recognizing sales for the commissary and cost for the restaurants.

If orders were fulfilled by mistake, they can be unfulfilled by selecting those rows and then choosing Set Status - Unfulfill.  This will delete the Fulfillment Transaction linked to the order and set the order status back to Shipped.  Since the Fulfillment Transaction is a financial transaction, orders in a closed period cannot be unfulfilled.

Some locations prefer to receive a printout of all that was fulfilled on this order.  That can be done by selecting the desired fulfilled rows and then clicking Print - Fulfillment.