This article is part of the Commissary Module documentation.  Click here for more information on the Commissary Module

The Commissary Template is setup by the Commissary Manager or the Accounting Manager and is the template used to create Commissary Orders.   This is also where the Commissary can specify which locations get deliveries on which days and can also mark whether to alert Restaurant Managers if their order is not submitted and the cutoff time is approaching.  Currently, there is only 1 template for Commissary Orders for your organization.

The Commissary Template screen can be accessed from the Commissary subsection of the Operations Module.  

Selecting this will show the template in the center part of the screen.  This screen has 2 tabs: the 'Items' tab and the 'Delivery Days' tab.

Items tab

On the items tab, you specify which items will show on the Commissary Order form.  The order will be automatically created based on this template and the items will show up in the same order as they are explained here:

  1.  Add an item by selecting the item from the lookup field that says 'Select item'
  2.  The 'Unit of Measure' will default to the Sales U of M from the Item record (set this on the sales tab of the item form).  You can change the U of M if desired
  3.  Then click 'Add' and this item will be added to the bottom of the item list on the template
    • Note: To remove an item from the template, click the trashcan icon on that row
  4.  When finished adding items, click 'Save'

Delivery Days tab

This tab is where you specify which locations receive deliveries on which days and the cutoff day/time for those orders to be submitted.  You can also setup a warning to be sent to the Location Manager if the order isn't in by the cutoff.

To set which locations get delivered to on a specific day, complete the following steps:

  1.  Click on the Delivery Days' tab and then click the button for that day (Monday in image above)
  2.  Check the boxes next to each location that should be eligible for a commissary delivery that day
    • Note: The location list sorts by location name by default, but you can click the column header to sort by Location Number if desired
  3.  On the right side of the screen, select the 'Cutoff Day' and 'Cutoff Time' for orders for that day.  For example, the screenshot above says for Monday deliveries the order must be in by Saturday evening at 6 pm
  4.  If desired, set the Cutoff Warning method to 'Text, Email, or None'.  This will alert the Location Manager (this manager is set on the location record) for any location eligible for delivery that day who has not yet submitted an order to the commissary.
    • Note: If set to Text or Email, then Cutoff Warning Minutes will show up where you can specify the number of minutes before the cutoff time that the warning should go out.  In the example above, a warning email will go out 30 minutes before the cutoff (so it will be sent at 5:30 pm)
  5.  When finished with one day, click another day of the week and the form will refresh so you can set that day up
    • Note: There is no 'Save' button on this tab because all changes are saved automatically