The Academy Progress Report allows the User to view the progress of an Employee through the R365 Academy. This tool is an easy way for Managers to track Employee's knowledge of navigating R365. In selecting specific parameters, a Manager can see specific lessons completed by certain Employees.


To navigate to the Academy Progress Report, click 'My Reports' in the OperationsModule and select 'Labor' in the top header. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'Academy Progress Report' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.

Report Parameters

1) Roles - The User roles available on R365 to narrow in on a specific group of Employees

2) Show Lessons - This button allows the User to select 'All Lessons', 'Completed Lessons', or 'Incomplete Lessons' for a more filtered report

  • All Lessons - The User sees all progress made my the selected Employees
  • Completed Lessons - The User sees only the Employees that completed the lessons selected
  • Incomplete Lessons - The User sees only the Employees that have not completed the lessons selected

3) Users - A listing of all Employees 

4) Section - A listing of all sections of the R365 Academy

5) As Of - The date the lessons are completed as of

6) Run Button - Runs the report

Report Columns

1) Employee Name - The name of the Employees selected from the report parameters

2) Lessons Completed - The number of lessons completed by the Employee

3) Total Lessons - The total number of lessons

4) % Complete - The percentage of completion (Lessons Completed /  Total Lessons)

5) Date - The Date when all of the lessons were completed