Note: Only Users with the Full Access or Accounting Manager Primary User Role will be able to access Financial reports.

The Balance Sheet represents the financial position of a company,  representing the balances of each account based on the Fiscal Calendar structure. Selecting a report type can enable a User to compare the details about their company's GL Accounts as of a specific date from one Location or period to another.

Report types vary but can allow for a more precise view of balances based on Period, Legal Entity, Location, and more. These report types include:


To navigate to the Balance Sheet, click 'My Reports' in the Operations Module and select 'Financial' in the top header. Once opened, a listing of reports will be shown. 

Find 'Balance Sheet' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open up a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define your report.

Report Parameters

1) Report Type - The organization of the Balance Sheet. Report types include:

2) Filter By - A listing of all Location categories

3) Filter - A listing of all Locations associated with the selected Location category

4) As of - The date the balances are labeled as of

5) Detail Level - 'Detail' breaks down Parent Accounts into their specified Child Accounts (ex. Inventory (P) --> Food (C), Produce (C), Dairy (C), ect.) while 'Summary' will include all Child Accounts in one Parent Account total amount

6) Account View - 'Name' will alphabetically organize GL Accounts while 'Number Then Name' will organize by GL Account number

7) Hide $0 Balances - Clicking 'Yes' will hide all balances and their GL Accounts that have a balance of zero

8) Rounding - Clicking 'No Rounding' will include decimal values while clicking 'Whole Numbers' will round decimal values to the nearest whole number

9) Show Unapproved - This will either show or hide Unapproved transactions

10) Run Button - Runs the report

Report Type Variations

Report columns vary depending on the Report Type that is selected in the report parameters.


YTD (Year to Date)

1) GL Type - A listing of all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity listed by the Parent Account and broken down by Child Account

2) YTD - The year to date balances of each Parent and Child Account

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Legal Entity Side by Side 

1) GL Type - A listing of all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity listed by the Parent Account and broken down by Child Account

2) Legal Entity Columns -  The Legal Entities and their amounts side-by-side

3) Total - The total line amount of all columns

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Location Side by Side

1) GL Type - A listing of all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity listed by the Parent Account and broken down by Child Account

2) Location Columns -  The restaurant Locations and their amounts side-by-side

3) Total - The total line amount of all columns

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YTD Periods Side by Side

1) GL Type - A listing of all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity listed by the Parent Account and broken down by Child Account

2) Period Columns -  The periods as of the selected date range and their amounts side-by-side

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Trailing 12 Period Side by Side

1) GL Type - A listing of all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity listed by the Parent Account and broken down by Child Account

2) Trailing 12 Periods -  The twelve periods that follow the selected date range and their amounts side-by-side

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